Community Events and Public Meetings | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Community Events and Public Meetings


Community Meetings

Monday, 10/14

1 p.m., Levee Board Meeting at Flowood City Hall (2101 Airport Road, Flowood). Members of the Rankin-Hinds Pearl Flood and Drainage Control District hold their monthly meeting. Free; call 601-939-4243.

4 p.m., Jackson City Council Meeting at Jackson City Hall (219 S. President St.). Open to the public. Free; call 601-960-1064;

6 p.m., Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance Advocacy Meeting at Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (612 N. State St., Suite B). MIRA discusses current issues and upcoming campaigns at the meeting held on second Mondays. Open to the public. Light dinner included. Free; call 601-968-5182;

Tuesday, 10/15

5:30 p.m., Jackson Public School Board Meeting at Jackson Public Schools (621 S. State St.). The board meets for its regular session on first and third Tuesdays. Open to the public. Free; call 601-960-8700;

Wednesday, 10/16

5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., South Forward Town Hall Meeting at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). In the Community Meeting Room. The topic is economic justic in the South, and the keynote speaker is U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders. RSVP. Free; call 982-8467;

7 p.m., Hinds County Human Resource Agency Meeting at Hinds County Human Resource Agency (258 Maddox Road). The Board of Directors meets on third Wednesdays. Open to the public; Hinds County residents encouraged to attend. Free; call 601-923-1838.

Thursday, 10/17

9 a.m., COMSTAT Meeting at Jackson Police Department Headquarters (327 E. Pascagoula St.). The JPD shares the latest Jackson crime statistics at the biweekly meeting. Open to the public. Free; call 601-960-1375;

5:30 p.m., Health Help Mississippi Educational Presentation at Margaret Walker Alexander Library (2525 Robinson Road). Learn more about health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. Free; call 877-314-3843.

6 p.m., Precinct 3 COPS Meeting at Jackson Police Department, Precinct 3 (3925 W. Northside Drive). These monthly forums are designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Free; call 601-960-0003.

Saturday, 10/19

10 a.m., Mississippi State Conference NAACP Meeting at Masonic Temple (1072 W. John R. Lynch St.). Get the latest updates and information at the monthly meeting. Free; call 601-353-8452.

Monday, 10/21

9 a.m., Hinds County Board of Supervisors at Hinds County Chancery Court (316 S. President St.). The board holds its regular meeting, open to the public. Free; call 601-968-6501;

Community Events

Monday, 10/14

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mississippi Conference of Fundraising at BancorpSouth Conference Center (386 E. Main St., Tupelo). Get tips on fundraising for your nonprofit from experienced fellow professionals and top-rated consultants. CEU credits available. $59; call 601-968-0061;

11 a.m., Health Help Mississippi Educational Presentation at Margaret Walker Alexander Library (2525 Robinson Road). Learn more about health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. Free; call 877-314-3843.

6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting at River Hills Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Club members with an interest in football meet on most Mondays Through Dec. 2. Tonight is Ladies Night, and Megan Mullen, wife of MSU football coach Dan Mullen, is the speaker. Call for information on membership dues. $30 non-members; call 601-506-3186;

6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Fundraising Ethics at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). Joe Donovan of the Mississippi Center for Nonprofits and Millsaps Else School of Management is the instructor. Topics include best practices, strategic planning and fundraising. Registration required. $25; call 601-974-1130;

6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., New Foundation Toastmasters Club #702994 Meetings at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road) in the Nebraska Room. Practice impromptu speaking, active listening, evaluation and leadership skills. Call for information on membership dues; call 601-502-8402 or 601-896-4400; email; find "NewFoundation Linda Hartwell" on Facebook.

Tuesday, 10/15

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Tech Showcase at Systems IT, Inc. (The Quarter, 1855 Lakeland Drive, Suite R-101). Learn about new Windows product features and capabilities from a Microsoft Certified Trainer and technology expert. Refreshments included. Registration required. Free; call 914-4500;

noon, History Is Lunch: Tuesday Special Session at Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St.). Author Charles Bolton discusses and signs his new book "William F. Winter and the New Mississippi: A Biography." Free, $35 book; call 601-576-6998.

5 p.m., Fund Match Tennis Tournament at Country Club of Jackson (345 St. Andrews Drive). The tournament includes round robin and mixed doubles matches. Proceeds benefit fund for the girls, Baptist Health Systems' breast health service program. $50 per player, $20 guest fee; call 956-1411;

Noon-1 p.m., "Guess Who's Talking Now" Toastmasters Club 3284 Meetings at Woolfolk Building (501 N. West St.). The group meets from noon-1 p.m. Tuesdays in the conference room on the first floor. Improve your communication skills, and become a better speaker and leader. Membership required. Free to visitors; call 601-359-6653 or 601-359-2573.

5 p.m., Health Help Mississippi Educational Presentation at Medgar Evers Library (4215 Medgar Evers Blvd.). Learn more about health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. Free; call 877-314-3843.

5:15 p.m., Public Policy Toastmasters Club 8689 Meeting Tuesdays at Universities Center (3825 Ridgewood Road). The group meets on first and third Tuesdays at 5:15 p.m. in the computer lab. Improve your communication skills, and become a better speaker and leader. Membership required. Call for details on membership dues; call 601-540-8472 or 601-432-6277.

6 p.m., OurFondren Neighborhood Association Meeting at St. James Episcopal Church (3921 Oakridge Drive)undefined Free; call 982-4880;

6 p.m., Presidential Civil Rights Lecture Series at Tougaloo College (500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo). The inaugural lecture is in Woodworth Chapel. Speaker TBA. Free; call 601-977-7870;

6 p.m.-8 p.m., "God's Prayer" Music Symposium at Yellow Scarf (741 Harris St., Suite E). undefined Free; call 754-0668; email

6:45 p.m.-9:45 p.m., CONTACT the Crisis Line Training Through Dec. 10, at Christ United Methodist Church (6000 Old Canton Road). In room 236. Become a certified volunteer telephone crisis line counselor. Pre-register online. Free; call 601-982-9888 or 601-713-4099;

7:30 p.m. On Location TV On Comcast channel 18. Host and producer Phyllis "Peaches" Robinson spotlights people, places and events in Jackson. The variety talk show airs at 8:30 p.m. Sundays and 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Send an email if you have a story idea for the show. Free; email

Wednesday, 10/16

9 a.m.-noon, Managing Your Faith-based Nonprofit at Mississippi Center for Nonprofits (201 W. Capitol St., Suite 700). Make your faith-based organization meet their obligations by becoming more efficient with its planning and program delivery. $99, $59 members; call 601-968-0061;

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Tech Showcase at Systems IT, Inc. (The Quarter, 1855 Lakeland Drive, Suite R-101). Learn about new Windows product features and capabilities from a Microsoft Certified Trainer and technology expert. Refreshments included. Registration required. Free; call 914-4500;

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.,Live at Lunch at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). Enjoy live music in the Art Garden. Bring lunch or buy food from the Palette Cafe by Viking. Free; call 601-960-1515;

noon, History Is Lunch at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). MDAH archivist Chloe Edwards discusses the Gates v. Collier decision and Parchman PMDAH archivist Chloe Edwards will discuss the "Gates v. Collier" decision and the desegregation of Parchman Penitentiary. Free; call 601-576-6998.

5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Jackson 2000 Dialogue Circles Program Through Oct. 23, at Professional Staffing Group (Fondren Corner, 2906 N. State St., Suite 330). The program includes six two-hour sessions of dialogue and problem-solving to encourage racial harmony and community involvement. Six-week commitment required. Free; email

5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Unburied Treasures: Cover to Cover at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). Dr. Yumi Park talks about pre-Columbian ceramics, and David Moore performs using culturally-related instruments he created. Free; call 601-960-1515;

5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Jackson 2000 Dialogue Circles Program Through Oct. 23, at Professional Staffing Group (Fondren Corner, 2906 N. State St., Suite 330). The program includes six two-hour sessions of dialogue and problem-solving to encourage racial harmony and community involvement. Six-week commitment required. Free; email

6 p.m.-7 p.m., Downtown Jackson Toastmasters Wednesdays, at Plaza Building (120 N. Congress St.). Learn to communicate better in front of groups and with peers. Meetings are Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. on the 12th floor in the Common Room. Call for membership information. Free; call 601-940-5247; email;

7 p.m., "SURGE" at Malco Grandview Theatre (221 Grandview Blvd., Madison). The high-energy, interactive movie theater event fuses Christian rock music, comedy and inspirational messages for teens. $12.50; call 601-898-7819;

Thursday, 10/17

11:30 a.m., Friendship Golf Classic at Country Club of Canton (183 Country Club Road, Canton). The Canton Chamber of Commerce Main Street Association is the host. Check-in is at 11:30 a.m., and the shotgun start is at 1 p.m. The format is a four-person scramble. Awards and door prizes given. Registration required. $100 individuals, $600 team of four, sponsorships available; call 601-859-5816;

4 p.m.-6 p.m., Jackson Public Schools 5K Wellness Walk at Hughes Field (545 Ellis Ave.). Check-in is at 3 p.m. The walk includes the Jackson State University Sonic Boom of the South Drum Line, a dance routine from The Explosion, prizes, refreshments, health screenings and information booths. School T-shirts welcome. Free; call 601-960-8911;

5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Women for Progress Live Radio Broadcast at WMPR 90.1 FM and . Dorothy Stewart and Willie Jones host the program. Topics include education, economics and politics. Call-ins welcome at 601-948-5950. Free; call 601-918-5137.

6 p.m., Purple Dress Run at Jaco's Tacos (318 S. State St.). Check-in is at 5 p.m. The annual costumed 5K run/walk benefits the Domestic Violence Services Center of Catholic Charities. Includes prizes and and after-party. Registration required. Entry fee includes a T-shirt and a beverage. $35, $100 team of four; call 601-355-8634;

6 p.m.-7 p.m., Capital City Toastmasters Club #1684 at Reformed Theological Seminary Library (5341 Clinton Blvd.). Join to improve your public speaking and leadership skills. New members welcome. Free; call 601-942-2154;

7 p.m., America's Music: A Film History of Our Popular Music from Blues to Bluegrass to Broadway at Quisenberry Library (605 E. Northside Drive, Clinton). The series includes documentary film screenings and scholar-led discussions of 20th-century American popular music. Light refreshments served. Free; call 601-924-5684; email

7 p.m., Nature Lecture Series at Clinton Community Nature Center (617 Dunton Road, Clinton) In Price Hall. Tom Mann of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science presents a program on amphibians. Free; call 601-926-1104; email

7 p.m., Blues by Starlight at Highland Village (4500 Interstate 55 N.). The annual fundraiser with refreshments, a silent auction, music and more benefits the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Mississippi. Jesse Robinson headlines the concert. $100; call 601-969-7088, ext. 25; email;

Friday, 10/18

7 a.m.-8:30 a.m., Coffee and Conversation at Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St.). Interact with business professionals, leaders, and other community members, and learn about upcoming city projects. Free; call 601-576-6920.

10 a.m., It's Not Just Hair...and Do You Care: The Politics of Appearance for Black Women State Legislators at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.) in the Dollye M.E. Robinson Building, room 257. The speaker is Dr. Nadia E. Brown, assistant professor in the political science and African-American studies department at Purdue University. Free; call 979-2121; email

10 a.m.-5 p.m., Scarecrow Cruise and Car Show Oct. 18, Oct. 19, 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Madison Square Center for the Arts (2103 Main St., Madison). The event includes a car caravan, a car show, a magic show and a visit from Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers. Proceeds benefit Hope Hollow Ministries and the Mississippi SIDS Alliance. Car exhibitors must register. Free to spectators, car registration: $20 by Oct. 7, $25 after, T-shirt prices vary, $12 license plate; call 601-259-5248 or 601-906-1196; email or;

10:30 a.m., Health Help Mississippi Educational Presentation at Evelyn T. Majure Library (217 W. Main St., Utica). Learn more about health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. Free; call 877-314-3843.

10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., 1-2-3 Magic Seminar at Tulane University, Madison Campus (2115 Main St., Madison). Learn parenting tips such as encouraging behavior and proper discipline methods. Registration required. $10; call 601-605-0007; email

11 a.m.-11 p.m., Jacktoberfest at Downtown Jackson. On Congress Street between Amite and Capitol streets. The annual street festival includes concerts, a craft beer competition and refreshments for sale such as bratwurst, burgers and drinks. Free admission; email;

4 p.m.-9:30 p.m., Writing the Song Within You at Duncan M. Gray Episcopal Camp and Conference Center (1530 Way Road, Canton). Participants work on writing their own song while gaining a basic understanding of some of the fundamentals of the craft of songwriting, primarily lyric writing. Registration required. $140-$155; call 601-859-1556; email;

4 p.m.-9:30 p.m., Fall Get-Away at Duncan M. Gray Episcopal Camp and Conference Center (1530 Way Road, Canton). Enjoy the beauty of Gray Center, wander the trails, enjoy the food and get some space from the rush of everyday life. Registration required. Meals extra. $55-$200; call 601-397-4273 ; email;

6 p.m., Dinner and a Movie at Jefferson Street. Enjoy food from Pimento's Cafe and the movie "Tangled" at dusk. Free admission, food prices vary; call 601-924-5472; email;

6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m., George Berry Gallery Celebration and Reveal at Mississippi Craft Center (950 Rice Road, Ridgeland). The new gallery is named after woodcarver and Craftsman's Guild member George Berry. State Se. John Horhn is the emcee, and U.S. Rep. Gregg Harper is the guest speaker. $50; call 601-856-7546;

Saturday, 10/19

7 a.m., Youth Fishing Rodeo at North Mississippi Fish Hatchery and Visitor Education Center (457 CR 36, Enid). The event is for children ages 15 and under. Bring fishing gear, catfish bait and stringers. Free; call 601-432-2400;

7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Better Business Bureau's Secure Your ID Day at BankPlus, Flowood (2351 Lakeland Drive, Flowood). Bring up to three boxes or bags of docuemnts for shredding. Computer parts, laptops and call phones also welcome. Free; call 601-398-1700 or 800-987-8280;

8 a.m., Sun King 5K at St. James Episcopal Church (3921 Oakridge Drive). Upton Tire Pros is the host. The race includes a run/walk and one-mile fun run. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity Mississippi Capital Area. $25 run/walk, $20 fun run, $60 family; call 601-954-2038 or 601-260-7648;

8 a.m., Healthiest Hometown Celebration at Olde Towne Ridgeland Plaza (West Jackson Street and Northeast Madison Drive, Ridgeland). Check-in is at 7:15 a.m. Includes a 5K run/walk and a one-mile fun run. The first 200 registrants receive a T-shirt. The city of Ridgeland also receives a $5,000 grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi. Free; call 601-853-2011; email

8 a.m.-11:45 a.m., Get2College ACT Workshops at Mississippi College School of Law (151 E. Griffith St.). Includes an overview of mathematics, science, English and reading subject areas, score-improving tips, time-saving strategies and resource materials. Free; call 601-321-5533.

9 a.m.-1 p.m., The Pointe Works Homemade Craft Fair at The Pointe Church (1120 Star Road, Brandon). The event includes shopping, food and Pinterest how-to's every 30 minutes. Vendor booths available. Free; call 601-591-1154; email or for booth space.

10 a.m., Walk to Cure Diabetes at Mayes Lake at LeFleur's Bluff (115 Lakeland Terrace). Registration is at 9 a.m. The three-mile walk benefits the Mississippi chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Virtual walkers welcome. Early registration recommended. Fundraising encouraged; call 601-981-1184;

10 a.m., Jackson Association of Black Journalists Meeting at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road). Members meet on third Saturdays, excluding holidays. Free; call 979-1246; email

11 a.m.-2 p.m., Eat4-Health Family Fun And Fitness Day at Mississippi Basketball and Athletics (2240 Westbrook Drive). The program includes relay races, Wii fitness gsmes, learning dance routines, basketball shoot-arounds, hands-on cooking demonstrations, healthy smoothie competitions with a blender bike, soda and sugar awareness stations, and BMI screenings. Free; call 949-375-0856.

noon-4 p.m., Canton Gin Market Through Nov. 23, at Small Town Music/Paragon Gin (436 W. Peace St., Canton). Store owners Susan and Frazier Riddell host the weekly market featuring art, crafts, live music and more. Free; call 601-859-8596.

1 p.m., Woodworth Chapel Memorial Plaza Ceremony and Tougaloo College Civil Rights Wall of Honor Unveiliing at Tougaloo College (500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo). At the Bennie G. Thompson Center. The events are in honor of individuals who made contributions to the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement. Free; call 601-977-7870;

2 p.m.-5 p.m., Stud Sessions: Synergy at Jackson Enterprise Center (931 Highway 80 W.). The program for male-gendered lesbian women gives them the opportunity to collaborate on community projects. Refreshments, special guests and other activities included. Entrepreneurs, artists and business owners welcome. For ages 18 and up. Free; email; Registration Form (Google Docs). 4 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sick and Tired, and Seeking SOULutions at Afrikan Arts and Culture Studio (612 N. Farish St.). Our Community Against Racism hosts the forum on second Saturdays. The focus of the monthly forum is to provide African-centered cultural enrichment and work toward racial equality. Refreshments served. Free; call 601-979-1413 or 601-918-5075.

3 p.m.-7 p.m., BNA BlocktoberFeast at Montbrook Street in Broadmeadow . The Broadmeadow Neighborhood Association is the host. Enjoy pulled pork plates, children's activities and music from Griffin Jones, The Hefner Brothers, Filter the Noise and Pillow Fight Club. Free water and lemonade. Free admission; food: $10 adults, free children's plates;

4 p.m.-9:30 p.m., Writing the Song Within You at Duncan M. Gray Episcopal Camp and Conference Center (1530 Way Road, Canton). Participants work on writing their own song while gaining a basic understanding of some of the fundamentals of the craft of songwriting, primarily lyric writing. Registration required. $140-$155; call 601-859-1556; email;

5 p.m., Miriam Wilson Weems Memorial 5K at Junior League of Jackson Headquarters (805 Riverside Drive). Registration is at 4:30 p.m. The officlal timed 5K is first, and the walk and fun run follows. Proceeds benefit the Animal Rescue Fund of Mississippi (ARF). Dogs on leashes welcome. Enjoy food, music and prizes after the race. Registration required. $25 in advance, $30 day of event; call 948-2357; email; find ARF's Miriam Wilson Weems Memorial 5K on Facebook.

6 p.m.-9 p.m., Fall Fashion Mixerat Galleria Event Center (2460 Terry Road). Luxe Boutique hosts the event that includes pop-up shops from local boutiques, vendors and designers, art and music. $5; email for vendor information.

6:30 p.m., Plant-based Potluck at High Noon Cafe (Rainbow Plaza, 2807 Old Canton Road). Bring a plant-based (vegan) dish to share - enough to feed four to six people - or purchase from Rainbow's Grab-and-Go Deli. RSVP and indicate what dish you are bringing. BYOB. Free; call 601-366-1602;

7 p.m., "Death by Insanity" Dinner Theater at Sophia's Restaurant (Fairview Inn, 734 Fairview St.). Mississippi Murder Mysteries presents the show. Includes cocktails before the show and a three-course dinner. RSVP. $49; call 601-948-3429;

Sunday, 10/20

1 p.m.-4 p.m., Caregivers and Survivors of Breast Cancer Sunday Brunch at Hearts of Madison (123 Jones St., Madison). The event includes food, drinks, live music and a chance to win a donation for a local breast cancer organization. $40; call 601-862-1763; email

2 p.m.-5 p.m., Mostly Monthly Ceili at Fenian's Pub (901 E. Fortification Street). Jackson Irish Dancers teaches traditional dances; beginners welcome. Food for sale. Free, donations welcome; call 601-592-9914; email;

Monday, 10/21

4 p.m., Breast Cancer Screenings Overview at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.). At the Baptist for Women Conference Center. Topics include mamograms and other imaging tests, and how to perform a self-exam. Registration required. Clinical breast exam screenings available after the presentation; limited appointments available. Free; call 601-948-6262;

4 p.m., Health Help Mississippi Educational Presentation at Medgar Evers Library (4215 Medgar Evers Blvd.). Learn more about health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. Free; call 877-314-3843.

6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting at River Hills Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Club members with an interest in football meet on most Mondays Through Dec. 2. Former NFL player, football coach and television analyst Bill Curry is the speaker. Call for information on membership dues. $30 non-members; call 601-506-3186;


Oct. 14 - Oct. 17, All 4 Children Consignment Fall/Winter Sale at Plantation Commons (105 Plantation Cove, Gluckstadt). The pre-sale is Oct. 14, and the general sale is Oct. 15-17 with dicounts of up to 50 percent off Oct. 17. $10 pre-sale, free admission to general sale; call 601-713-4040;

Oct. 14 - Oct. 20, 144th Founders' Week at Tougaloo College (500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo).Includes an art talk, a banquet and induction ceremony, a golf tournament, the Mr. and Miss Tougaloo coronation, guest speakers and more. The keynote speaker Oct. 20 is civil rights activist Joan Trumpauer-Mulholland. More details at Free; call 601-977-7871;

Youth Ambassadors Program at Mary C. O'Keefe Cultural Center for Arts and Education (1600 Government St., Ocean Springs). The arts program for children includes free membership and special programs at a reduced cost. Free; call 228-818-2878; email;

Senior Aides Program. The city of Jackson offers the part-time job program to low-income seniors ages 55 and up. Receive assistance in finding a job during the training process. Applicants must have state ID, a Social Security card, proof of income and a utility bill. Free; call 601-960-0335.

Computer Courses for Adults at Hinds Community College, Raymond Campus (501 E. Main St., P.O. Box 1100, Raymond). Classes usually meet once a week for four to eight weeks, and fees depend on the level and type of class. Free; call 601-857-3773; email

Through Oct. 19, 6 p.m.-11 p.m., Yazoo County Fair at Yazoo County Fairgrounds (203 Hugh McGraw Drive, Yazoo). Enjoy amusement rides and canning, art and craft exhibits. Free parking. Admission TBA; call 662-746-1815 or 800-381-0662; find Yazoo County Fair on Facebook.

Through Oct. 25, Wed.-Fri., 9 a.m.-noon, Pumpkin Adventure at Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive). Enjoy a hayride, tours of the Heritage Center, 4‐H Museum and barnyard, snacks and picking pumpkins. Open 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday-Friday. Groups must RSVP. $6 9 a.m. - noon (reservations required), $9 1-3 p.m., Oct. 12 and Oct. 19, children under 2 free; call 601-432-4500;

Through Nov. 1, Seniors' Dinner and a Movie Registration at Wood Activity Center (111 Clinton Blvd., Clinton). Seniors ages 50 and up must RSVP by Nov. 1 for the event scheduled for Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. $8; call 601-924-6082;

Through Nov. 1, Sign Language Course Registration at Brighton Park (530 S. Frontage Road, Clinton). The beginner class is Nov 5 at 6 p.m. Materials included. For ages 13 and up. Register by Nov. 1. $40; call 601-924-6082;

Through Dec. 6, Saints and Sinners Short Fiction Contest. Saints and Sinners LGBT Literary Festival seeks original, unpublished short stories between 5,000-7,000 words with LGBT content on the theme of "Saints and Sinners." Awards include cash and publishing in an anthology from Bold Strokes Books. $15-$15; call 504-581-1144; email;

Through Dec. 10, Paper Football Super Bowl Pre-registration. Children and adults compete Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m., and the overall winner receives a plaque. Refreshments and a door prize included. Pre-register by Dec. 10. $5; call 601-924-6082;

Through Dec. 16, Scholastic Writing Awards Call for Submissions at Eudora Welty House and Museum (1119 Pinehurst Place). At the Eudora Welty Education and Visitors Center. Junior high and high school students in central Mississippi counties may submit works by Dec. 16 at 5 p.m. Visit for a list of counties and guidelines. Free; call 601-353-7762;

Through Dec. 18, Adult Basic Education/GED Program at Hinds Community College in Jackson, Raymond, Utica and Vicksburg . People who aspire to earn a high school equivalency certificate may register for orientation and testing before the GED price and testing format changes in 2014. Call or go online for specifics. Free Adult Basic Education courses, $75 GED testing fee; call 601-857-3912;

Through Dec. 31, Go Red Multicultural Scholarship Fund. American Heart Association's Go Red For Women and Macy's offer scholarships to multicultural women interested in healthcare careers. 16 women will receive a $2,500 scholarship. Apply by Dec. 31. Free;

Through April 30, Mon.-Fri., 2:30 p.m.-6 p.m., Common Core After Hours Learning and Readiness Program at PERICO Institute (Jackson Medical Mall, 350 W. Woodrow Ave., Suite 300). The weekly program for children in grades K-12 includes English and language arts, math, science, and music and art appreciation. Registration required. Light snack included. $50 per week; call 769-251-1408;

Through July 31, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Private Tutoring. In-person and virtual tutoring available for students in grades K-12 in math, science and literacy. Registration required. $15-$50;

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