Jackson A to Z: What to Know, Do, Drink, Visit ... | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Jackson A to Z: What to Know, Do, Drink, Visit ...

Photo by Trip Burns.

This list isn’t exhaustive! Visit jfpevents.com and jfp.ms/musiclistings for so many more events and venues. Jackson is what you make it, so make it amazing.


Art should be the city's middle name. Artists love Fondren, they gather in midtown and do crazy, wonderful stuff, they paint, and sculpt, and show at JSU's Gallery One. Watch for the Mississippi Museum of Art's Invitational starting Nov. 2, 2014.


Ballet is a serious thing in Jackson—from the International Ballet Competition (you just missed it) to Ballet Mississippi and Ballet Magnificat, to the adorable little dancers who train at the Arts Center of Mississippi.


Coffee, of course. And all the studying, socializing, networking and chillin' that comes with it. The city is dotted with funky coffee shops, often with live music. Flagships for students are Cups Fondren and Sneaky Beans nearby on North State, as well as Koinonia Coffee Shop near JSU (home of all those forums).


Duling Hall has become ground zero for Jackson's exploding music scene, thanks in no small part to Arden Barnett of Ardenland. The Fondren music venue used to be a school auditorium, which makes it cool regardless of who's playing. See ardenland.net for schedules for his shows at Duling and other venues.


Eddie Outlaw and husband Justin McPherson are telling the world that it's possible to be happy and gay in our state. Stylists and owners of William Wallace Salon and Fondren Barbershop, they are subjects of a mini-doc, "Mississippi Love Story." Rent or buy at vimeo.com/ondemand/mslovestory/.


The owners of F. Jones Corner decided to not wait around for all the promises about Farish Street revitalization to come true. They just went and opened a popular live-music venue where you can dance until 4 a.m. to blues and more. Take that.


The Gold Coast is no more, but it was once was a decadent strip of juke joints on the Rankin side of the Pearl River back when the state was "dry." Once called East Jackson, clubs like Blue Flame, Rocket Lounge, the Heat Wave and the Gay Lady featured blues and soul greats. Visit msbluestrail.org for more.


Hal & Mal's was helping downtown get its groove back long before its current renaissance. It's perpetually the best live music venue in Best of Jackson; it hosts myriad fund raisers; it's full of funky art and tchotchkes, and everyone plays there at least once. Watch for an updated menu and a JFP veggie burger!


"If You're Buying, We're Selling." Yes, the little blue sticker campaign to get businesses to tell customers they don't discriminate (especially against LGBT customers) started right here in Jackson. Get one at www.ifyourebuying.com.


Josh Hailey is a one-man creative machine who loves gold Spandex and shocking Jackson. He runs a karaoke thing, a photo-booth thing, and his Photo America project is amazing. Visit joshhaileystudio.com to learn more and visit him in his midtown gallery before he moves it elsewhere.


If you're new to Jackson, you won't know the lovely King Edward Hotel (aka Hilton Garden Inn) downtown was a bombed-out eyesore for years and a symbol of the city's challenges. But a group of investors got together and figured out how to re-open the dang thing. Now, it's a symbol of hope and can-do spirit.


The levee along the Pearl River is a source of consternation for many who thinks it's ugly, but others love to walk and run along it, especially at sunset. Go to the end of Fortification Street and park.


Midtown is hot. Start-and-stop efforts to turn midtown into an arts mecca (that doesn't displace residents) is taking hold. Read more at midtownpartners.org. Don't miss DJ Young Venom's new venture, Offbeat, for art, comics, records, clothing and more at 151 Wesley Ave. See facebook.com/OBjxn.


Novelists and non-fiction writers alike regularly show up at Lemuria Books in Banner Hall to read and sign. This locally owned bookstore is everything one should be—with great options from Mississippi writers and on our crazy history, not to mention shelves of books about the music our state spawned.


The Old Capitol is a fount of complicated history. There, Mississippi seceded from the union over slavery, and there many civil-rights leaders, such as Bob Moses, give amazing talks today. More info at mdah.state.ms.us/oldcap/.


Parades are a Jackson staple. The Mal's St. Paddy's Parade (malsstpaddysparade.com) every March is one of the largest in the country; the Zippity Doo Dah weekend (zddparade.com) the same month is a sparkly Sweet Potato Queens. Don't miss the Medgar Evers Parade every summer to celebrate a hero.


Speaking of Queens, Jackson women love to celebrate their royalty, whether it's in the ZDD parade (above) every March, the JFP Chick Ball every July or the new JFP Chick Ball Masked Jam coming Nov. 1 at Hal & Mal's. Drag queens are expected as well (and straight men, too). See jfpchickball.com.


The Jackson Rhythm and Blues Festival is about to happen for the second year in a row, and it's again a not-miss event, with Ziggy Marley and Fantasia headlining two days of packed music line-ups Aug. 15-16 at the Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Museum. Get info at jacksonrhythmandbluesfestival.com.


The Smith Robertson Museum and Cultural Center (528 Bloom St.) is a Jackson treasure. Named for Smith Robertson, a former slave, the building was the first public school for African Americans in Jackson. Don't miss "And The Children Shall Lead Them," open until Oct. 31, and superb ongoing exhibits.


TEDx Jackson is coming to the Capri Theater in Fondren Nov. 6. The theme is "Fertile Ground." Follow on Twitter @TEDxJackson.


Underground 119 is another of those treasures that turned up in downtown Jackson in the last 10 years. You can eat delicious food and raise the roof to the blues in the basement bar/restaurant.


Volcano! Yes, there's a dead one under Jackson. And that's really cool, no?


Wellness is in vogue in the capital city, and there is no better symbol of the city's obsession with fitness than the LiveRIGHTNow hill runners you see running in groups around Fondren. Follow the gang on Instagram at liverightnowonline to get inspired to treat yoself the healthy way.


X is worth a lot of points in the huge, life-sized Scrabble game at the ueber-cool Mississippi Children's Museum. Go. Play. Now.


Young and influential: That's the new vibe of many of the newcomers (like many of you) moving into Jackson, creating art, starting businesses, getting involving, We welcome you! Please nominate Young Influentials (40 and under) for our BOOM Jackson's annual line-up. Write editor@boomjackson.com.


Zoo, baby! Many of us grew up going to the Jackson Zoo at 2918 West Capitol, and it's even cooler now. Watch for Zoo Brew, one of Jackson's best outdoor events. See the animal list here: jacksonzoo.org/animals/.

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