Oh, the Places You Can Worship | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Oh, the Places You Can Worship

Jackson Zen Dojo requires that potential members attend an orientation. File Photo

Jackson Zen Dojo requires that potential members attend an orientation. File Photo

Leaving home for college is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and scary moments of becoming a young adult. It's a chance to meet new people, discover new things and learn even more about who you are. While this transitional moment offers many great opportunities, moving to a new city also meaning finding places that are just as good as the ones you left at home, including a new place of worship. Luckily, Jackson has many diverse places that may appeal to young adults of many different faiths. Of course, the metro area has so many that we couldn't list them all. Add more at jfp.ms/placesofworship.

Fondren Church (3327 Old Canton Road, 601-208-0800)

Fondren Church has a college group that meets every Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. It's a time for students to come together worship and share their experiences. For more information, visit fondrenchurch.com.

The Word Center (5305 Executive Place, 601-665-5555)

The Word Center wants to minister to people from all walks of life. The church has many ways to get involved, including a mime ministry, if you've ever wanted to explore that idea. For more information, visit thewordcity.com.

Beth Israel Congregation (5315 Old Canton Road, 601-956-6215)

Beth Israel is the largest synagogue in Mississippi. It welcomes people of all beliefs and has a variety of Shabbat services, so whether you prefer mainstream Reform or Hebrew and chanting, there are options for you. For more information, visit bethisraelms.org.

Mississippi Muslim Association (1465 Highway 51 Madison, 601-990-9521)

The Mississippi Muslim Association is a group of Islamic believers that welcomes other Muslims. Throughout the year, it holds services and events for prayers and holidays. For more information, visit mmaic.org.

Hindu Temple Society of Mississippi (173 Vernon Jones Ave., Brandon, 601-992-3331)

The Hindu Temple Society has a large group of members. With annual Hindu celebrations and events throughout the year, there are many ways to get connected with other Hindus in the area. For more information, visit htsm.org.

Jackson Zen Dojo (4308 Old Canton Road, 601-291-9309)

Jackson Zen Dojo welcomes people to practice formal Zen Buddhism. To begin, join the dojo for its orientation every third Sunday at 9:30 a.m. For more information, visit zeninmississippi.org.

Anderson United Methodist Church (6205 Hanging Moss Road, 601-982-3997)

This Methodist church is a traditional church with a modern vibe. It has a variety of ministries, including one for young adults aged 18-20. For more information, visit andersonumc.org.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson (4866 N. State St., 601-982-5919)

Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson welcomes all people, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation for spiritual faith worship. For more information, visit uujackson.org.

Fondren Presbyterian Church (3220 Old Canton Road, 601-982-3232)

In addition to worship services, this church has vibrant social opportunities. Fondren Social is a group where young members to fellowship with varying activities. For more information, visit fondrenpcusa.org.

St. Alexis Episcopal Church (650 E South St., 601-944-0415)

St. Alexis opens its doors to all regardless of circumstance to worship and gives to the community. For more information, visit stalexis.org.

What You Didn’t Know You Needed

by Emerald Alexis Ware

Every soon-to-be college student knows that before experiencing the perils of dorm living or moving into an apartment, there are endless things needed to make the new place feel like home. While bathroom caddies and mattress toppers are necessities, there are a few things needed that one may not typically consider. This list should ensure that by October, the only things you're worried about are midterms and not household items.

Keurig coffee maker

Caffeine is a staple to get you through those long nights. Instead of spending all of your dining dollars on five-dollar cups of coffee, make it in your room. Check dorm rules to make sure these are allowed.

HDMI cord

A dorm-room movie night is an inevitable event in college. Instead of having all of your friends crowd around a laptop, get an HDMI cord so you can connect your laptop to the TV.

Yoga mat and hand weights

Making it to the gym in the midst of your busy schedule can be tough, but the freshman 15 is real. So, to ensure that you're maintaining your health get these items so you can always squeeze in a quick workout in your room.

Voter registration card

Election season is fast approaching, and you don't want to miss out on the chance to make a difference. Make sure that you've registered to vote and have proof so you don't face any difficulties while trying to vote away from home.

"Success" clothes

From career fairs to interviews for organizations, many events will require you to dress professionally. To skip pre-event wardrobe meltdowns, make sure to have go-to item, and pieces in school colors.

Jacktown app

Download in iTunes and Google apps stores to track local events and specials.

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