Back-to-School Supply Lists | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Back-to-School Supply Lists

School Supply Lists, K-5

Kindergarten to Second Grade

Crayons (K: package of eight large, package of 16 regular, first and second: 24-pack)

Washable markers

Hand sanitizer

Glue sticks

Scissors (blunt for K-first, Fiskars preferred)

Pencils (K: primary, first and second: No. 2 pencils)

Manuscript tablets (K: six-line, first: eight-line)

Pocket folders (K: two, first and second: six, assorted colors)

Also Needed for Kindergarten

Change of clothing (in a plastic bag, all clothing labeled with student's name)

Also Needed for First and Second Grade

Erasers (Paper Mate Pink Pearl or Sanford Art Gum)

Six vinyl folders

12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)

Also Need for Second Grade

Colored pencils

Notebook paper (wide-ruled)

Spiral-bound notebooks or composition tablets (two, wide-ruled, standard paper size)

Third-Fifth Grade

Crayons (package of 48)

Washable markers

Colored pencils

School glue (eight-ounce)

Glue sticks

Hand Sanitizer

Manila Paper (12-inch by 18-inch)

Scissors (Fiskars preferred)

No. 2 Pencils

Notebook paper (wide-ruled)

Cursive tablet

Spiral-bound notebooks or composition tablets (four, wide-ruled, standard paper size)

Erasers (Paper Mate Pink Pearl or Sanford Art Gum)

Pocket folders (six, assorted colors)

12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)

Also Needed for Fourth and Fifth Grades:


Also Needed for Fifth Grade:

Package of grid paper (one-centimeter square grids)

This information is from A list for grades 6-12 was not available.


Where You Can Get School Supplies


McDade's Markets (multiple locations,; Ajax/Academic Solutions LLC (4807 N. State St., Suite 306, 601-398-4622); School Aids (301 Orchard Court, Ridgeland, 601-957-2755); N.U.T.S. (114. Millsaps Ave., 601-355-7458)

Backpacks and Bags

Swell-o-Phonic (2906 N. State St., Suite 103, 601-981-3547); N.U.T.S. (114. Millsaps Ave., 601-355-7458); The Orange Peel (422 Mitchell Ave., 601-364-9977); Repeat Street (242 Highway 51, Ridgeland, 601-605-9123); Buffalo Peak Outfitters (4500 Interstate 55 N., Suite 115, 601-366-2557)

Splash Back to School

Where: Jackson Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St., 601-352-2580)

What: Come to the zoo on Saturday, Aug. 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for water slides, slip-n-slides in the amphitheater area, a dance party, face painting and more. The event will also have education organizations and vendors with information, back-to-school supplies or giveaways. It is included with regular admission, which is $10.25 for adults, $9.25 for seniors and $7.25 for children ages 2 to 12. Children under 2 are free. To see military discounts, visit

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