It's that time again. Here are the school supplies for Jackson Public Schools' grades kindergarten through fifth.
Crayons (package of eight large)
Crayons (package of 16 regular)
Washable markers
Hand sanitizer
8-ounce school glue
Glue sticks
12-inch-by-18-inch manila paper
Scissors (blunt, Fiskars preferred)
Primary pencils
Six-line manuscript tablets
Two pocket folders
Change of clothing in a plastic bag (all clothing labeled with child's name)
Grade 1
Crayons (package of 24)
Washable markers
8-ounce school glue (8 oz.)
Glue sticks
Hand sanitizer
12-inch-by-18-inch manila paper
Scissors (blunt, Fiskars preferred)
No. 2 pencils
Eight-line manuscript tablets
Erasers (Pink Pearl or art gum)
Six pocket folders (assorted colors)
12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)
Grade 2
Crayons (package of 24)
Washable markers
Colored pencils
Hand sanitizer
8-ounce school glue
Glue sticks
12-inch-by-18-inch manila paper
Scissors (Fiskars preferred)
No. 2 pencils
Notebook paper (wide-ruled)
Two wide-ruled spiral-bound notebooks or composition tablets (standard paper size)
Erasers (Pink Pearl or art gum)
Six pocket folders (assorted colors)
12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)
Grade 3
Crayons (package of 48)
Washable markers
Colored pencils
8-ounce school glue
Glue sticks
Hand sanitizer
12-inch-by-18-inch manila paper
Scissors (Fiskars preferred)
No. 2 pencils
Notebook paper (wide-ruled)
Four wide-ruled spiral-bound notebooks or composition tablets (standard paper size)
Erasers (Pink Pearl or art gum)
Six pocket folders (assorted colors)
12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)
Grade 4
Crayons (package of 48)
Washable markers
Colored pencils
Hand sanitizer
8-ounce school glue
Glue sticks
12-inch-by-18-inch manila paper
Scissors (Fiskars preferred)
No. 2 pencils
Wide-ruled notebook paper
Four wide-ruled spiral-bound notebooks or composition tablets (standard paper size)
Erasers (Pink Pearl or art gum)
Six pocket folders (assorted colors)
12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)
Grade 5
Crayons (package of 48)
Washable markers
Colored pencils
Hand sanitizer
8-ounce school glue
Glue sticks
12-inch-by-18-inch manila paper
Scissors (Fiskars preferred)
No. 2 pencils
Wide-ruled notebook paper
Four wide-ruled spiral-bound notebooks or composition tablets (standard paper size)
Erasers (Pink Pearl or art gum)
Six pocket folders (assorted colors)
12-inch plastic ruler (should have lines of differing lengths indicating 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch markings)
Package of grid paper (1-centimeter square grids)
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