10 Local Stories of the Week | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

10 Local Stories of the Week

Mayor-elect Chokwe Lumumba thanks his supporters at the King Edward Hotel after winning the primary election with 23,175 votes, or 93 percent of the total vote.

Mayor-elect Chokwe Lumumba thanks his supporters at the King Edward Hotel after winning the primary election with 23,175 votes, or 93 percent of the total vote. Photo by Imani Khayyam.

There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them:

  1. Mayor-elect Chokwe Lumumba sent an official statement in response to his Republican opponent Jason Wells' call for a recount after questioning the ballot counting process and saying that "they are cheating."
  2. Redeemer's School welcomed its first group of kids in August 2014. Since its inception, DeSean Dyson said the school has grown in purpose and size.
  3. The Hinds County Justice Court issued and later retracted a bench warrant Thursday for the arrest of former Jackson Police Department Officer Justin Roberts, due to failure to appear this in court on a charge of attacking a handcuffed suspect.
  4. Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith will now face a retrial for state charges for hindering a prosecution in late July. It was original scheduled for early June.
  5. Jackson State University will take a $4-million cut and welcome a new president, Dr. William Bynum of Mississippi Valley State University, all in one summer.
  6. Reaching One Community at a Time is a program that offers K-12 students the opportunity to read the required books of Jackson Public Schools summer reading program.
  7. Chokwe Antar Lumumba, the Democratic nominee for mayor of Jackson, wins the election with 22,000 votes, or 98 percent of the vote.
  8. Several members of the Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus call on Rep. Karl Oliver during a special session to resign over his recent call for the lynching of Legislative leaders in New Orleans for removing Confederate statues.
  9. Students in certain Jackson high schools and the surrounding areas will receive additional support to graduate and get to college through the Upward Bound program.
  10. On Saturday, June 3, March for Truth protesters protesters demanded an independent investigation into Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election and the alleged ties between the Trump administration and Russia.

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