Even if the weather does not believe it, it is officially fall. The leaves are beginning to change colors; students are well into their first few weeks of classes; and the fair is in town this week.
As the weather gets chillier, many people may abandon iced coffee in favor of something a little hotter. If you're looking for a good way to warm up and caffeinate yourself, turn to this year's Best of Jackson winners for Best Place to Get Coffee. Keep a look out for the nomination ballot in November with the next winners announced in January.
Best Place to Get Coffee: Cups Espresso Cafe
(multiple locations; cupsespressocafe.com)
Finalists: Deep South Pops (1800 N. State St., 601-398-2174; 4500 Interstate 55 N., Suite 173, 601-398-0623; deepsouthpops.com) / Fusion Coffeehouse (1111 Highland Colony Pkwy., Ridgeland, 601-856-6001, fusioncoffeehouse.com) M7 Coffee House (111 N. Wheatley St., Ridgeland, 601-790-7971) / Mocha Mugs (multiple locations, mochamugs.com) / Sneaky Beans (2914 N. State St., 601-487-6349, sneakybeans.com)
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