Good Things from the JFP Team | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Good Things from the JFP Team

Whenever the Jackson Free Press holds a staff meeting, we all love to start by stating something good that has happened to us since we last spoke on Zoom. This year, the JFP celebrates 19 years of serving the Jackson community. The last 365 days have been unconventional to say the least, but as we enter year 20, the JFP staff decided we would love to remain positive and share our “something good”s of the last year with our readership.

JFP Staff Awards

In addition to starting staff meetings on positive notes, we also strive to end them with another uplifting note: the presentation of the JFP Staff Awards! Pre-pandemic, we would use trophies we’d pass around and take turns decorating. Nowadays, because we work remotely and meetings are virtual, we use some fun animated graphics that our amazing design team created, depicted below as stills.


The Kick Ass Award reflects the passion of the JFP staffer who earns it in striving for excellence in all they do.


The Falcon Award goes to the team member the office staff most thinks has really rocked the house lately.


As suggested in the name, this award recognizes the recipient’s passion when interacting with our community.


Named for former Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, whose antics worked us hard, this award is for great and dogged reporting.

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