Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Why I Love Feministing

Look at the poster and then read the comments. If you haven't fallen out of your chair by the end of page two, you need a vacation.


"Live in New York?" I'd Recommend It

I surfed over to the C-L's website this morning on the off chance that there was a correction or re-statement of last Saturday's editorial. Didn't find one, which I guess …


Random Musings

Maybe it's the lack of sunlight this time of year, but my mind is going a million different directions and I can't focus worth squat. Anyone else feeling like this? …


Just click

When I got back from Africa, a lot of people told me they felt like there was nothing they could do. I was so frustrated with myself for not offering …


Secret Pentagon Study Gives 3 Iraq Options

And none of them are pretty: "injecting more troops into Iraq, shrinking the force but staying longer or pulling out, The Washington Post reported Monday. The newspaper quoted senior defense …


How Would You Reform Public Education in Mississippi?

The Clarion-Ledger is making a lot of hay out of recent statistics indicating that only 50.6% of JPS students graduate, rather than the previously estimated 67%. The trouble is that …


Why Adlai Stevenson Lost

Actual campaign ad from 1952:


Rise Up with Fists

Jenny Lewis, former lead singer of Rilo Kiley, has been one of the best-kept secrets in folk rock for years. Now armed with the retro backing vocals of the Watson …


See the Casey Parks Lesson Plan

I was just talking to Ayana Taylor, JFP-reporter-turned-teacher, and she told me that she had run into a NYT lesson plan for teachers—using our very own Casey Parks and her …


Should Dems Write Off the South?

The lefty blogosphere is "atwitter" (with apologies to the Mississippi Press Association) over the notion that the 2006 mid-term elections were not only a repudiation of various Bush Administration policies …


This Has to Be Satire

There is no way that Wyatt Emmerich wrote the following without his tongue firmly implanted in his right cheek:


Of Red Meat and Breast Cancer

Young women, beware of the emerging evidence that eating red meat can increase your risk of breast cancer. Per a New York Times editorial today:


But What Would Jesus SAY?

Marines just say no to Jesus dolls in Toys for Tots Drive.


YDA National Conference Comes to Jackson - November 17th Through 19th

I'm not planning on going, but if you're aged 18-35, politically engaged, and not a Republican, this is a rare opportunity to meet national Democrats without leaving town. The folks …


Press Association on the JFP ‘Wags" Being ‘Atwitter'

This is fun. The blog of the Mississippi Press Association (I think I'm the only one who ever runs into it) posted something about John Newhouse exiting the Clarion-Ledger, ending …