Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Clarion-Ledger: Wilcher Must Die

In an editorial today, The Clarion-Ledger explains its support of the death penalty and why it is good that the state is going to kill Bobby Glen Wilcher today:


The Medical Malpractice Myth Exposed ... Again

We dared to write about the complicated "Hoodwinked" myths that have sprung up around the issue of tort reform nearly three years ago, as propagated locally by The Clarion-Ledger's "jackpot …


About Time: Gitmo Prisoners Get Geneva Rights

AP is reporting that the Bush administration is finally allowing accused prisoners at Guantanamo Bay their rights under the Geneva Conventions:


ARTICLE: Hampton Business School Sticks by Requirement for "Conservative" Hairstyles

You know, I guess this issue would not bother me so much if it did not involve a historically black university. It is a shame when African Americans discriminate against …


I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Cuculoupes

A Houma, LA, homeowner finds an interesting species of vege-melon growing among her cucumbers and cantaloupes. Thanks to accidental crossbreeding, I'm able to post an article with a silly title.


ARTICLE: Slavery reparations gaining momentum

When the average American hears the term "slavery reparations", he or she may think of radicals who are only making noise to start trouble and get free government money. Well, …


Ask a Ninja: Funniest Website Ever

My college-aged brother CJ turned me on to Ask a Ninja a few months ago when I visited him in Washington State. I don't remember to go back often enough, …


ARTICLE: The New Crime: Wearing Dreadlocks While Walking

Okay, the New Orleans victims of Hurricane Katrina have had to deal with death, destruction, losing everything they hold dear and governmental neglect. Now they have to face racial profiling …


Mentally Ill in County Jails

The Clarion-Ledger has an important story today about how mentally ill people who have not been charged with crimes are being held in the Hinds County Detention Center in Raymond. …


Enron Founder, Ken Lay Dies of Heart Failure

Will post more on this as I get it, but CNN just reported that Enron Founder Ken Lay has died of Heart Failure. His family has released a brief statement, …


The effects of Sexual Deception

Okay, I have to admit it: I watch some of the movies on Lifetime. One recently got my attention and caused me to think about my feelings about the power …


Bring-Your-Bomb-To-Work Day

As you may have seen on the local news a couple of days ago, a Utica woman finds what appears to be a pipe bomb in her mailbox. Her solution? …


‘Net Neutrality' Struggling in US Senate

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation failed to add an amendment to the "Advanced Telecommunications and Opportunity Reform Act" that would guarantee "net neutrality." The vote, 11-11, means …