Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Sun-Herald Unhappy With Threats From Guv's Staff

Sounds like the governor's staff is getting on the wrong side of Gulf Coast media, and it'll be interesting to see if (a.) this is a trend and (b.) how …


Ex-Mayor of Detroit Gets Five Years

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is heading back behind bars.

This just doesn't seem to end, does it? From mlive.com:


Ross Perot + Dr. Evil = Rand Paul?

Not since Sarah Palin have we encountered such a breath of fresh stupidity.

Apparently while trying to explain away his problems* with the Civil Rights Act on ABC's Good Morning America, Rand Paul -- newly minted "tea-party" GOP candidate for Senate from the …


‘JFP Mobile' App Live in the Apple Store

Just today we got word of final approval by the Apple Store for the 'JFP Mobile' iPhone/iPad/iPod app, which is available immediately as a free download.


Advocates Unite at CARE Conference

When most of us hear the word "lobbyist," we might conjure up images of back-room dealings with high paid lobbyists and legislators who put big business over people.


JFP Staffers Finalists for Four ‘Green Eyeshade' Awards

We learned today that the JFP editorial staff will be receiving awards in four different categories this summer in the 60th Annual Green Eyeshade Awards. This was our first year …


Suburbs Losing Young Whites to Cities

Diversity in city and suburbs = good. Keep it up, Jackson.

Our good friend David Watkins (or "Pops" in JFP comments and forums) posted a link to this Huff Post piece on Facebook yesterday, which reports on a Brookings Institution study …


JFP Forums Are Back!

Last year we switched from using the Forums script here on the JFP site to something I was calling the "Community Blog," mostly because it allowed us to integrate recent …


Clarion-Ledger ‘Shopping' Section Ignores Local Stores

The Clarion-Ledger tried to make a big deal out of new pages it was added to the Sunday edition, so we grabbed one to see what the big deal was. …


Why Donner Kay Is Blogging Again

OK, I've been bad. Of a fashion. In recent months, I've gotten so caught up in new projects (like the new BOOM Jackson quarterly!) and in volunteer work and in …


1st Annual Downtown Cinco De Mayo Celebration WEDNESDAY 5:30pm

ADMISSION IS FREE TIL 9pm. Music, Mexican Food, and YOU!

The Jackson Progressives, Jackson Free Press, Jackson Downtown Neighborhood Association, and several other entities have joined forces for the 1st Annual Downtown Cinco De Mayo Celebration: Celebration of Jackson's Diversity. …


GOP's "Financial" Woes: Country Wants Reform, Libertarians Want Tea Parties Back

For the second time this week, the GOP stood together on Tuesday to block cloture on the Senate Financial Reform bill. Their party unity may, however, be working according to …


Sense of Community Revealed

In my humble opinion, The Jackson Free Press has set itself apart in this city, state and nation as a publication that is hard-hitting, to the point and never shows …


2010 Duke Blue Devils, Your National Champions

The 2010 Duke Blue Devils can be your national champion, because they won't be mine. This team was one of the worst national champions in recent memory. Sure, they showed …