Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Video: Fearless Jackson's Big Scoop

The latest from Jackson...enjoy:

Asking a Friend About Time Machines and Tweeking Instead of Tweeting

Yesterday, in a moment of rage, I slammed a borrowed laptop shut and rolled my eyes at the world while I finished a McDade's plate lunch. A man sitting next …


Intuit Offers $1000 Local Business Grants

Here's a widget that can get you started:

Intuit, the folks who make QuickBooks and Quicken software, have a fun little contest going on. Called "Love a Local Business," the promotion lets you nominate a small business as …


Editorial Takes Dim View of Katrina Recovery Fund Diversions

An editorial in yesterday's New York Times looked askance at the way the federal government has allowed Mississippi to divert funds from disaster aid meant to assist moderate and low-income …


Finally Doing it

For the past few weeks, I kept saying I was going to ride my bike to work,but then each day I found a reason preventing me from doing so. So …


"The Relationship Conference" – 2009

I'm so excited about this! From October 29 through November 1, The Life Support Center will offer its first annual "Relationship Conference" held at The Church Triumphant. This conference is …


Video: Bill Moyers on Dick Armey's Personal Healthcare

Interesting report from Bill Moyers...Dick Armey, the leader of FreedomWorks, (former House Leader and one of that architects of the "Contract With America") is now raking in the cash from …


Study: MS Second Most Corrupt State

Should they be complaining about Mississippi-style politics? ;-)

This study was reported back in December, but I just came across it and thought it was interesting -- according to the story The Corruption Belt by the Institute for …


Northside Sun Praises John McGowan for Outsmarting Environmentalists

One wonders if Northside Sun publisher Wyatt Emmerich is actually working against John McGowan and this Two Lakes project. This week in his column, Emmerich smugly praises the oilman from …


Obama To Address Joint Session of Congress

According to The Hill, President Obama will address a joint session of Congress next Looks like Obama will be working to get the talking stick back after a month of …


JFP Needs Reader Health-care Stories

P.S. We would like to use your real name, and run a picture of you where possible.

All, we're looking for health-care stories from people in and around Jackson to feature in the next issue of the JFP, which will focus on health-care issues. We would like …


NAMIWalks 2009: Help me continue to stomp out the stigma of mental illness!

I am writing you today to tell you about an upcoming event that I am participating in that is both very important and very exciting to me. It is NAMIWalks …


WaPo: Attorney General Holder to Appoint ‘Torture' Special Prosecutor

The Washington Post is reporting that Attorney General Eric Holder plans to appoint a special prosecutor to look into possibility that CIA personnel "may have broken the law in their …


Quick Video - Underground 119 Opening

This is from the Flip cam in a noisy jazz club setting, so pardon the audio:

I tossed this together after Donna and I *finally* got out of the office around 9:30pm last Friday (her Palm Desktop had a meltdown and I was trying in vain …


It's a Great Night in Jackson

August 20, 2009 - Whether you live or work in Jackson, or you've been looking for an excuse to come to town, take the opportunity tonight to get out, meet …