Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




The. Best. Photo. Ever.

No kidding:



It's three days until the election. (In my need to get it over with, I don't count the current day or Election Day. That makes it come sooner.) It is …


Is Palin Kidding!?!

I've about stopped posted absurd statements by Sarah Palin, but this one strikes at the very core of our American birthright. She actually thinks that being criticized for being too …


Ron Howard's Endorsement

This video with Andy Griffith and Henry Winkler is a real blast from the past:


McCain Advisers Turning on Palin the ‘Whack Job'

And Roger Simon at Politico says McCain has no one to blame but himself for the vice-presidential calamity:


Obama-the-Communist: ‘I Shared My Toys in Kindergarten'

Boo! Alert the media! Obama is a communist because he shared his peanut butter sandwich and his toys in kindergarten! Watch Obama make fun of McCain and Palin's stupid red-baiting …


JFP Update: Goin' Live with the Tabs

As you can see, I've put the "tabs" into play from our Beta page. They're now the default look on the home page of the JFP. Let me know if …


FOX News Skewers Joe-the-Plumber's ‘Israel' Remarks

Really. It's remarkable that the McCain campaign has set this guy up to make a fool a fool of himself to try to spread their hateful lies about Obama and …


McCain Camp Suddenly Upset About Professor He Helped Fund

The absurdity du jour is that the desperate McCain campaign and right-wing media are suddenly demanding the release of a video of a party Obama attending with Palestinian studies expert …


VoteVets Fight Back ...

... against the people who sent them to war, but wouldn't vote to give them adequate safety equipment. Watch:


Politico On Horse-race Coverage

This is an interesting piece over at Politico talking about media bias (and/or the lack thereof) in the coverage of the McCain and Obama campaigns. Politico is talking about its …


Nooses Are NEVER Okay

A man in West Hollywood has a sickening Halloween display outside of his home: Sarah Palin hung in effigy and McCain on fire. The homeowner's response?


No Complacency: It Ain't Over ‘Til It's Over!

OK, folks, it's one week until the election. Change is in the air: Even on my neighborhood walk route, Obama yard signs outnumber McCain signs 14-to-1. No, that's not scientific, …


FOX ‘News' Chick Makes Ass of Herself

I fully realize this probably happens over at FOX News every day, but this video is unbelievable. She is so outclassed by Bill Burton of the Obama campaign:


Protect the Vote

The ACLU of Mississippi is announcing a new non-partisan coalition called Protect the Vote 2008, launched to educate and protect voters in the state.