Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




A friendly tutorial on taxes

There has been quite a debate over issues of tax cuts, class warfare, and shared prosperity ('spreading the wealth around'). I want to present a little tutorial on income and …


Letterman Nails McCain on Friend G. Gordon Liddy

A must-watch: David Letterman put it to John McCain tonight not just on Sarah Palin, but on why McCain's friendship with terrorist G. Gordon Liddy is different from the Bill …


Obama Depicted on a Food Stamp

Yes, on a food stamp, with his head attached to a donkey's body and surrounded by fried chicken, watermelon, ribs and Kool-Aid. See for yourself:


A Rape Victim Speaks to Palin and McCain

This powerful ad is sweeping the Internet today, dedicated to Sarah Palin, who believes that rape victims are not entitled to a safe and legal abortion, should the crime leave …


New ‘Beta' Home Page for JFP

All: I'm playing with a new look for the JFP home page -- not a radical change, but a few new navigation features that might make regularly checking in on …


Another Vetting Problem: ‘Uncommitted' Joe-the-Plumber A Registered Republican

Update: Turns out that "Joe" is actually "Samuel Joseph" and is a registered Republican (but says he's in the Natural Law Party); see comments for more weirdness.


Diarrhea of the Mouth

Dr. James David Manning, pastor of ATLAH World Ministries, posted a video clip that was supposed to defend Bristol Palin's pregnancy, but he turned it into a spewfest where he …


Hey Media: This is Ohio, NOT Mississippi

As disgusted as I've been with the ugly race hatred that Sarah Palin has stirred up around the country, there is one tiny bright spot for me: The country is …


About Time: CNN Does "The Palins and the Fringe" Story

Over a month after the JFP story, "Palin and the Fringe," and about 10 days after Sarah Palin launched a vicious "terrorist" smear campaign against Barack Obama, CNN did a …


So you want to donate to NAMIWalks, but you're afraid to donate online…

Good news! You can mail your donation, and if you include a note saying that it is for The Church Triumphant team, my team will still get credit for it. …


McCain Hearts ACORN

John McCain is attacking Barack Obama by saying it is "bad judgment" to support ACORN. Ahem:


Anchorage Daily: Palin Embarrassing Alaska

Writing in response to Sarah Palin's proclamation that the damning Troopergate report "vindicates" her, the Anchorage Daily News editorial board hands their governor her ass on a platter, and calls …


Donna Brazile: "Not Going to the Back of the Bus"

"My black skin does not make me inferior, and might I add, being a female does not make me dumb!" Hallelujah.


Andy Taggart Goes McCarthy on Obama

Oh, the times are growing desperate for Republican operatives, present and past. Over on his Ledger blog, Andy Taggart posted one of the most ridiculous, and chilling, things I've ever …


Monkey in the Middle

A man brought a stuffed money with an Obama sticker on it to a McCain-Palin rally. When he saw that he was being videotaped, he tore the sticker off the …