Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Dem Race is Psych 101.

Gender and Hillary Clinton

The key to understanding the fight between Hillary and Barack is not in the political science department, but next door in the psychology building.


When Not to Trust Your ‘Gut'

Maureen Dowd's column today talks the uninformed George Bush revealed in his former press secretary's new book—and the problem with "trusting your gut" when it is filled with ignorance:


Rassmussen: MS Senate Race is a ‘Real Battle'

Just got an e-mail blast from the DSCC pushing a new poll by Rasmussen that shows that the race for Trent Lott's open seat will be a "real battle" this …


Would you like the chance to listen to an acclaimed saxophonist play live? FOR FREE?

Internationally acclamed gospel saxophonist and three-time Stellar Award nominee Angella Christie will be performing at The Church Triumphant during our Pastor's 25th Pulpit Ministry Anniversary celebration on Sunday, June 8, …


Calling B.S. on Voter ID Plan

Today, the 5th Circuit called bullsh!t on a lower court's plan to force Mississippi voters to register by political party and show photo ID at the polls in order to …


Former Bush Flack: Iraq War ‘Not Necessary'

The bombshell of the day is former Bush press secretary Scott McClelland's new book, which is very frank about Bush selling the war in Iraq with "lies." AP reports:


Inter-racial couples - What about the Children?

I have noticed a growing number of inter-racial couples in the Jackson area in recent years. At first I thought there was a curiosity factor running wild. However, I have …


Cook Report Moves MS Senator Race to "Toss-up"

The non-partisan Cook Political Report has taken a look at the latest polls in the Musgrove-Wicker race for Trent Lott's old seat and have decided to call it a "Toss-Up," …


Obama Gets Another SuperDelegate: Wayne Dowdy

The Sun-Herald is {encode="http://www.sunherald.com/218/story/578229.html" title="reporting"} (hat-tip to Cotton Mouth Blog) that Wayne Dowdy, as a superdelegate from Mississippi, has decided to back Obama for the Democratic presidential nominee.


Wyatt Explains Wealth, Equality and Liberalism to Us

Wyatt Emmerich crawled out from under his Northside rock long enough this week to pen this priceless column, which appears in one of his Delta newspaeprs:


Some Things Should Be Off-Limits. Period.

I don't care that it's standard political practice. It doesn't matter to me what tradition dictates. Some things should be off limits. Period. Wife, kids, family, personal lives and the …


Apple Store in Ridgeland Hits ‘Snag'

According to a piece in the Clarion-Ledger today, the long-awaited Apple Store in Ridgeland has hit a snag -- Ridgeland's architectural review board doesn't get it.


"So who should be the HNIC of the Memphis City Schools?"

This was the second sentence of the first paragraph of an article written by John Branston for the Memphis Flyer. So it won't look as if I am taking this …


What, Hampton? Crime ‘Better' Than When?

As part of The Clarion-Ledger's odd collection of articles today, seemingly designed to kiss and make up with the city it has scorned and bashed for so long, David Hampton …


Berry Candlelight Vigil

I just received word that there will be an interfaith candlelight vigil at Smith Park on Wednesday, May 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday is the day Earl Berry is …