Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Watch for Fraudulent E-mails

Folks, the trolls are up to it again. There is a round of e-mails going around to people who post here made to look like they come from people at …



The last significant snowfall I recall was New Year's Day, 2001. I remember it well because I was at church on New Year's Eve when the snow started, and it …


MIT Prof Takes on Real Iraqi War Death Toll

Is it a "right-wing conspiracy"? John Tirman, executive director of MIT's Center for International Studies, thinks so. Get his take on Alternet.


The Choice: Clinton and Obama Running for Different Reasons?

George Packer has a http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/01/28/080128fa_fact_packer ]compelling essay in The New Yorker this week about the motivations behind Obama and Clinton's run for the White House. It ends:


Sundance Day 4: Hindsight is 20/20

So yesterday I got to ride a ski mobile down a big hill. Well, technically, I rode a stretcher behind a ski mobile, but hey, semantics…


Sundance Day 3: Ballast Premiers

Yesterday's premier generated Sundance buzz. Bloggers are comparing Ballast to the lyrical films of Terrence Malick and David Gordon Green, and the all-important Hollywood Reporter and Variety have given beaming …


Other Cards in the Deck

Much has been made about whether Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama played "the race card" in a series of press-filtered exchanges that included an]http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/15/us/politics/15dems.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=clinton+king&oref=slogin]an analogy to Martin Luther King, Jr. …


Sundance Day 2: Which is really all about Slamdance…

It's 8pm and I am already exhausted. For one thing, it takes a ridiculous amount of energy just to stay warm. The high today hovered at 20 degrees, and the …


Sundance Day 1: Travel Lite

After a full day of airports (and a cozy airplane ride with a blanket named Bunky and the shrillest baby I've ever met—he's lucky he can flash that cherubic four-toothed …


U.S. Abortions at Lowest Rate Since 1974

The Associated Press is reporting on a new study that shows that abortions in the U.S. are way down:

The number of abortions in the United States dropped to 1.2 million in 2005, the lowest level since 1974 and down 25 percent from the all-time high of 1.6 million …


Ledger: DeLaughter E-mailed Proposed Order to Peters

Just in from Jerry Mitchell at The Clarion-Ledger; unclear who "Mills" is supposed to be, though:


no poo for you?

A few weeks ago, I embarked on a daring experiment. After reading about the damage that standard-issue hair products can do to your hair, I decided to go without 'poo.


No Mention of Peters in Ledger Editorial?

OK, this is weird. The Clarion-Ledger's Jerry Mitchell reports that Ed Peters may have taken a million-dollar bribe from the Scruggs clan to get Judge Bobby DeLaughter to rule in …


Former Hinds D.A. Ed Peters Accused of $1M Bribe

The Scruggs scandal is hitting closer and closer to Hinds County. In a story about Booneville attorney Joey Langston pleading guilty to corruption charges, The Clarion-Ledger buried explosive accusations, made …


Clutter: Bad for Your Health?

The New York Times has a piece that links health issues, including weight problems, to disorganization and clutter: