Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Get the Lead Out

According to a recent ABC News report, several brands of lipstick contain lead, including popular brands such as Cover Girl and L'Oreal:


And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to…

...Al Gore, who is sharing it equally with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Mychal Bell back in jail

He has to spend 18 months in a juvenile facility for violating his probation. However, the charges are old and weren't brought up until now, so Sharpton and others see …


Learn Something New

Every so often, I come across something really useful on the Internet that isn't trying to sell me anything. If you're like me, it's even better if it tells me …


Eaves Makes Front Page of NY Times

In a story headlined In Mississippi, Democrat Runs in G.O.P. Lane, reporter Adam Nossiter explores John Eaves' run to Haley Barbour's right on social and religious issues:


Noose Found on Door of Black Columbia Professor

Well, if anything, the Jena 6 situation is going to expose the racism and bigotry in our midst—all of our midst. And that is a damn good thing. We've got …


Feds Might Buy Gulf Coast Homes

Did you guys see this? (AP) The federal government is considering buying out as many as 17,000 homes along the Mississippi coast and remaking the land into a vast hurricane …


Barbour Attacks Eaves for Suing the Military; Eaves Responds

In recent TV ads, Gov. Haley Barbour feigns outrage at his opponent for suing the military as a trial attorney. Eaves responds in an e-mail and TV spot that indicates …


He Fired a 9mm and They Didn't Check His Background?!?

What!?! Just because a man is a "homeowner" firing at apparent "thugs" with his semiautomatic, the JPD doesn't check his background? Good Lord. There goes another Clarion-Ledger front-page hero.


JFP Registration Announcement

If you have registered for the JFP site recently, please go try your user name and password to see if you've been approved (you may not get an e-mail back …


NAMIWalks 2007: another successful year!

Our team raised $129.93, and my T-shirt design won 3rd place. Also, two team members won door prizes. What a great day!


Mea Culpa from Ledger's Hampton ... Sort of

But notice that his only solution to the problem of newspapers' decreasing coverage of "complex" political issues is finding more bloggers for the Ledger's site. Sigh; it's sad to watch …


"State of the Nation" Art and Performance Festival Starts Today

"State of the Nation" Art and Performance Festival Oct. 4-6, starting at 7 p.m. every night at the F.D. Hall Music Center at JSU. Featuring Teo Castellanos, Uprooted: The Katrina …


Lobbyist: Barbour Has No Ties to Firm

Bobby Harrison is reporting in the Daily Journal that Lanny Griffith has issued a statement about Haley Barbour's current status with his (former?) lobbying firm.


GAO: FEMA Favored Mississippi Over Louisiana

The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office has confirmed that FEMA favored Mississippi over Louisiana after Katrina, concurring with the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general who criticized FEMA for awarding "the …