Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Some Thoughts on the 2007 Elections

With the March 1st filing deadline fast approaching, I don't see any evidence that any well-known Democrat has emerged to make a viable challenge to Haley Barbour. A channel surf …


Now, not yesterday or tomorrow

My lover-boy kitty, The Amazing Valentino (brother to Tallulah the Wonder Cat), waddles his furry little butt into my bathroom every morning to the sound of the water running in …


Who Else Here Has Packrat-itis?

Previously published here.


Activism Really Satisfies

Did you catch the Super Bowl Snickers commercial? I didn't see it, but all day I've been following the anger it's generating among gays and lesbians around the country. Frankly, …


What The Hell Do You Mean I'm "Articulate"?

Another white politician gets foot-in-mouth disease again as Sen Joe Biden called Presidential hopeful Barak Obama "clean" and "articulate" In fact, he said Obama was the first African American candidate …


New Survey Reveals Concerns Over Rap Music Among Youth

From Allhiphop.com. Tell me what you guys think...

The current image of rap music and rap music videos is cause for concern among Black youth, according to the Black Youth Project, a survey spearheaded under the direction of …


Grandma's Got Rhythm

I admit it. I was a dancin' fool at the JFP 2007 Best of Jackson party. I've lost 50 pounds since last July, and I think I look better than …


Leonard Pitts: Obama is Black

Leonard Pitts' column today is both smart and hilarious.


Kaze's co-hosting the Kim Wade show TODAY 5PM

Make sure you guys tune again to yet another action packed edition of the Kim Wade Show..I want to hear from more JFP bloggers(if you're able). Tune in 1180am and …


Democratic Congress Earns Its Keep!

I've just received word that Congress has not only funded the $1 billion in Millennium Development Grants that it had promised, but added $450 million to the total. Link The …


Molly Ivins

"So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in …


Coming Out

Telling people that I'm gay isn't a big deal for me anymore. I mention it when it's relevant, and if someone's shocked or offended, the most I usually tell him …


Mississippi Senate to Vote on Abortion Ban

I've just received word that the Mississippi Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare has approved SB 2795, an outright ban on abortion. The bill will most likely go before …


Dirty Tricks Against Obama ... Already

Per Joe Conason over at Salon, the right-wing machine is pulling some old dirty tricks out of its archive:


Music Issue Survey

The big music issue is coming up, and you can decide who we feature. Go vote: http://jacksonfreepress.com/music/survey.php