Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Attorney General Jim Hood is hot on Entergy's trail.

Stories this photo appears in:


Hood Says Power Companies Forced PSC Shutdown

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood and power industry watchdogs suspect power companies shut down a state regulating agency expressly to remove a new means of regulation from the table.


Hood Settlement Under Suspicion

Attorney General Jim Hood offered no guess as to what media outlets are looking for in a sealed February 2008 settlement between his office and State Farm and Fire and …


Bill Funds Cybercrime Unit

Yesterday, legislators sent Senate Bill 2978 to Gov. Haley Barbour for his signature, which will increase by $1 fines for certain misdemeanors and felonies by $1 to help fund the …

Hood: Entergy Twists Numbers to Hide Damage to Mississippi Ratepayers

Read Adam Lynch's earlier story about Entergy's rate controversy here.

AG: Entergy Admits to Over-charging Mississippians

[Verbatim from AG Jim Hood] Jackson, MS - After months of denials, Entergy Mississippi has now admitted to overcharging Mississippi ratepayers for power, and to engaging in part of the …


Entergy Caught with Hand in Louisiana Cookie Jar

[Verbatim, December 23, 2008] Jackson, MS--Attorney General Jim Hood announced today that the Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) has found an Entergy affiliate guilty of the same illegal conduct that …


Hood Takes Gloves Off Over Barbour Ballot Scheme

[Verbatim from Attorney General Jim Hood] Jackson, MS-Gov. Haley Barbour's ill-conceived attempt to gain a partisan political advantage for his party and violate state law is an embarrassment for both …


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