October 29, 2008
Stories this photo appears in:
[Hutchinson] Michael Jackson: A Threat?
Pop king Michael Jackson has been dead for one year. But the controversy that surrounded his life didn't end with his death. On June 25, the eve of the first …
[Hutchinson] What We Can't Do About BP
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell minced no words in an interview with ABC News recently. Powell said President Barack Obama should muscle BP aside and move in with "decisive …
[Hutchinson] An Ugly Glare
The throng of angry whites jeered, catcalled and spat out borderline racial insults at the small group of mostly black protesters. The charged racial confrontation happened March 14, 2010, in …
[Hutchinson] Where Was the World When Haiti Really Needed It?
The heartbreaking and pathetic scene that I and a group of American visitors witnessed at the small beach town in Northern Haiti still haunts me. We had no sooner arrived …
[Hutchinson] The GOP's Birthers Con Game
Republicans have a nice little con game going with the birthers. Here's GOP Chairman Michael Steele speaking this summer: "The birthers are an unnecessary distraction."
[Hutchinson] Obama's Death Threats
President Obama has gotten more death threats in a shorter period of time than any other president in U.S. history.
[Hutchinson] Just the President
The only problem with New York Congressman Charles Rangel's quip that President Obama had better bring his ID to East Harlem is that he limited it to East Harlem.
[Hutchinson] Juvenile Justice?
Four years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court took a big step toward righting a galling wrong. It joined nearly every other nation on the globe and banned teen executions.
[Hutchinson] The 100-Day Fixation
Then-Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama did a prescient thing last October. He told an interviewer from a Colorado radio station that he thought the first 1,000 days, not the first …
[Hutchinson] Leave Madonna Alone
In 2006, Save the Children UK butted in and denounced Madonna for adopting Malawi orphan David Banda. Now another bunch has jumped into the adoption fray and branded her a …
[Hutchinson] Apologize, Mr. Murdoch
Mr. Rupert Murdoch, it's certainly no surprise to you that New York Post editor-in-chief Col Allan would hotly defend the racist Post cartoon comparing President Obama to a chimp.
[Hutchinson] Has Obama Fulfilled King's Dream?
The unchallenged article of faith is that the election of President Barack Obama fulfills Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that the content of character should trump skin color. King uttered …
[Hutchinson] The Other Eartha Kitt
The smile on Eartha Kitt's face was unforgettable. It belied the pain, ridicule and turmoil she had endured after finding herself at or near the top of then-President Lyndon Johnson's …
[Hutchinson] Suppressing Minority VotesLegally
News reports of state officials in crucial battleground states illegally purging thousands from voter rolls drew a flurry of media and public attention.
[Hutchinson] Obama Never Said 'No' to Bush on Iraq
"Let me be clear: There is no military solution in Iraq, and there never was. The best way to protect our security and to pressure Iraq's leaders to resolve their …
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