August 30, 2010
Washington, D.C., attorney Kenneth Feinburg, who is handling the oil-spill claims process, spoke at the Southern Governors' Association's annual meeting yesterday.
Stories this photo appears in:
Few Governors Present at Oil Spill Meeting
Only two governors were present at a Gulf oil spill panel during the Southern Governors' Association annual meeting yesterday with claims czar Kenneth Feinberg.
Feinberg Visits Coast
Washington, D.C., attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who starts his job of overseeing the BP claims process today, is hosting three meetings on the Mississippi Gulf Coast this morning regarding payments for …
Feinberg: Emergency Payments a Priority
Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press" yesterday, Kenneth Feinberg, appointed by President Barack Obama to administer BP's $20 billion escrow account for claims against the oil giant, said his immediate …
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