Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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President Barack Obama addressed the country last night about Osama bin Laden's death.

Stories this photo appears in:

Obama: Justice Has Been Done

Read the transcript of Obama's national address:

Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of …


Obama Speaks Out Against Bullying

President Barack Obama took a stand against bullying in a video message released last night.

The message is in response to the recent suicides of young adults who were bullied for being gay. The video appears on the

Health Care

Health Reform: What's In It?

President Barack Obama enjoyed rising approval ratings Tuesday as he signed a historic health-care bill the U.S. House of Representatives passed late Sunday without a single Republican vote--the same health-care …

Health Care

Barbour Leads Anti-Health Reform Rhetoric

Gov. Haley Barbour and other opponents of health-care reform are making final efforts to derail an upcoming House vote on the Senate health-care package this Sunday.

Obama's Jobs Focus Meets Resistance

President Barack Obama pushed for more job creation during his State of the Union address last night. Facing the loss of two governor's races and the Massachusetts Senate seat formally …

President Obama's Speech at Fort Hood Memorial (Transcript)

Yesterday, President Obama spoke at a memorial for the Americans murdered at Fort Hood last week. In honor of the victims, and all veterans today, here are his comments, verbatim:

Many Metro Students Won't See Obama's Speech

President Obama delivered a back-to-school speech to students this morning emphasizing personal responsibility, but not all Mississippi students got the message. The speech, which was televised and available as a …


Happy Inauguration Day! Share Your Thoughts.

Jan. 20, 2009, is here, and Barack Obama will make history as the next president of the United States. What are your thoughts on this historic occasion? What message do …


Obama Lead Swells Since Election Night

He's now winning by 7 percent rather than the 5 percent on Election night:

Obama: 67,065,042 (52.7%, 365 EVs)McCain: 58,420,587 (45.9%, 162 EVs)


Didja Vote? Have Problems?

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189,817 New Mississippi Voters Since Jan. 1

New Voter Registrations from January 01, 2008 – October 4, 2008:

Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's office has released the following update on the number of new registrations. Note that he advises you to check your registration with the Circuit Clerk's …


CBS Poll: Obama Won Undecided Voters in Debate

Per Mark Ambinder at The Atlantic:


Obama Camp Says He's Goin' to Oxford

According to a story at the Huffington Post, the Obama camp still expects McCain to attend the debate; if he doesn't, Obama will head to Oxford anyway and hold a …


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