Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. said that a federal grant to help ex-offenders find work will help lower the city's recidivism rate.

Stories this photo appears in:

City Receives Funds to Counter Recidivism

Ex-offenders will be able to get more help finding jobs due to a $50,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice that will help the city strengthen its Fresh Start …

City Makes Adjustments for Raises

Read the city's amended budget (PDF)

City Revisits Teen Curfew

Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes' proposed ordinances to prevent teen violence ran into a familiar wall yesterday.


City Calls for Businesses to Hire Youth

The success of the city's Summer Youth Employment Program depends on the number of local businesses who hire young people, Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. said at a press conference …


The Slippery Arena Study

The push for an entertainment arena in downtown Jackson, once a private endeavor, is now a matter for city government. Last month, the steering committee of business leaders that has …

City Defends Fee Hikes, Lay-offs

City officials and Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. stressed cost increases as the reason for water and sewer fee hikes and JATRAN employee cuts yesterday at Jackson City Council session.

Johnson Pulls Ordinance After Debate

Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. pulled a proposed ordinance he introduced after a council member argued during yesterday's work session that it removed power from the city council to appoint …


City Balances Budget by Refinancing Debt

Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. announced a 2011 fiscal-year budget containing no layoffs, but promising significantly more long-term debt. The $313.6 million budget, which begins in October, is a $10.6 million …

Towing Companies Protest City Agreement

Three tow truck companies' refusal to remove a city-owned vehicle yesterday is the first casualty in a protest over the Jackson City Council's recently enacted wrecker-rotation policy, which caps the …


City to Vote on Water Main Price Increase

The Jackson City Council is expected to vote on a $222,208 price increase for the installation of a 54-inch water line at tonight's city council meeting. The project is necessary …


Mayor Hypes Restarted Housing Project

Tucked into Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr.'s July 7 State of the City address was the news that a 26.7-acre housing development previously held up by a lawsuit is now back …


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