Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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JFP Editor Donna Ladd

Stories this photo appears in:

Tease photo Editor's Note

The Devil Is In the Questions

I really don’t get hating people because they ask vital questions.

Tease photo Editor's Note

A Battle Worth Fighting

“A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements.” — Orison Swett Marden

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From Emmett to Trayvon

Crazies will always be there, and we will always have to deal with them. But when trigger-happy men shoot kids of color under cover of Stand Your Ground or Castle …

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Breaking the Silence

We heal our divisions with knowledge, never with ignorance.

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Hope and Loving in Mississippi

When we make a choice, whether about who to marry or what our opinion is of a mayoral candidate, someone won't like it. But if we mean this American experiment, …

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The Future of Jackson Depends on You

The signs showed up overnight around Ward 1 and parts of Ward 7: "Vote Today: The Future of Jackson Depends On It."

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Great Expectations

All of us need to be believed in, regardless of the luck of our early circumstances.

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Hunting and Gathering

Last week, I had a young documentary crew called subSIPPI in my office asking me questions about whether Mississippi has changed.

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No Means No

I have read accounts of the now-infamous Steubenville, Ohio, rape with horror.

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Take It to the Streets

Jackson has long had a strong base of urban warriors.

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Time to Think Small

I've been a bit amazed of late to hear all the hoopla over Sam's Club deciding to leave Jackson for suburban pastures.

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Between Man and His God

Consider this: Why should a free government that we all pay into support the beliefs of some over others?

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Real Love

I may have a tough exterior, but I'm a romantic. And I love love.

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Weapons of Mass Destruction

The gun lobby has become too strong, too strident and a bit insane.

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A Kinder, Gentler Union

Picking on food stamps has long been a way to gather votes from people who don't bother to pay attention to who is poor and why (call them the 47-percenters).

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Where There's A Will ...

I understand well that cycles of poverty originate from historic events that, if not equalized, create generations of people who cannot defeat the fate of their elders.

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The Contraception Wars

Most of you have surely heard by now that former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is blaming his resounding loss on "gifts" that President Obama offered young voters, African Americans and …

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Giving Thanks Where It's Due

You lose when media just tell you what you want to hear.

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The Southern Strategy's Last Stand?

This entire arc of ugly is good for us all, ultimately.

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The Deal With a Racist Devil

We seem to be going backward, not forward, on race and other bigotry issues.

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Beware the GOP's (Un)Scientific Sexism

The majority of Mississippians who voted last fall to block the passage of the "personhood" initiative should be very nervous about the Nov. 6 election.

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Fire and Brimstone

For a minute, we toyed with having debates back at Neshoba Central High School in the 1970s.

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Raising An Army

This past Monday night, I sat in an auditorium at Millsaps College packed with students—mostly female, but many males as well—and watched the documentary "Half the Sky."

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Yes, It Was That Bad

"I've alluded to it here and there, but it wasn't until this year, when we decided to focus the Chick Ball on sexual assault, that I knew it was my …

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Signs of Creative Life

Recently, Todd and I happened to be driving throughout downtown Jackson on a Saturday afternoon. Suddenly, we drove by one of the new art boxes.

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Repeal the Rhetoric

The morning that the U.S. Supreme Court did not strike down "Obamacare" as so many believed it would do was yet another of those crazy busy days in the Jackson …

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Inherit the Flame

I haven't written much over the years about the man I like to think of as my "real father." Maybe it's too painful.

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The Pursuit of Excellence

Every now and then, I have to lighten up in this space. Rather than taking on the troubles of the world or trying to pull at your heart strings with …

Editor's Note

Boys Will Be Boys

I don't manage to get out of the office often these days for lunch. But Friday I was in the mood for a Two Sisters veggie plate (probably had something …

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[Editor's Note] Young, Impressive, Ours

When freelance writer Greg Pigott turned in his write-up of Mark Scott of Callaway High School for this "Amazing Teens" issue, he wrote: "I wish I had more words to …

Editor's Note

Young, Impressive, Ours

When freelance writer Greg Pigott turned in his write-up of Mark Scott of Callaway High School for this "Amazing Teens" issue, he wrote: "I wish I had more words to …

Editor's Note

Dinner and a Movie

Last Saturday night, Todd and I sat at a small table next to the open kitchen at Parlor Market and were dazzled by the chefs' performance.


We the Job Creators

When I was asked to go to the White House in early March to talk about business in Jackson, I didn't know what to expect. I just said "yes!" and …


[Editor's Note] We the Job Creators

When I was asked to go to the White House in early March to talk about business in Jackson, I didn't know what to expect. I just said "yes!" and …

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] Two Steps Forward

"Leave." That one-word tweet came from a conservative dude in Louisiana, not Mississippi. But he wasn't pleased that I was talking about crazy legislation that the right wing has wrought …

Editor's Note

Two Steps Forward

"Leave." That one-word tweet came from a conservative dude in Louisiana, not Mississippi. But he wasn't pleased that I was talking about crazy legislation that the right wing has wrought …

Editor's Note

A Romney Runs Through Us

Campaigning in Mississippi last week, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set off a mini-firestorm in our offices. Sometime between joking about grits and forking up some hay, down-south style, Romney …

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] A Romney Runs Through Us

Campaigning in Mississippi last week, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set off a mini-firestorm in our offices. Sometime between joking about grits and forking up some hay, down-south style, Romney …

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] Living in Hell

I just finished reading a chilling historical novel, "The Healing," which resoundingly answered an oft-debated question: "What was the Civil War really about?"

Editor's Note

Living in Hell

I just finished reading a chilling historical novel, "The Healing," which resoundingly answered an oft-debated question: "What was the Civil War really about?"


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