Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Managing Editor Ronni Mott

Stories this photo appears in:

Tease photo Editor's Note

Stop the Food Fight

Hunger, and its corollary, poverty, are not intractable problems, despite their historical prevalence.

Tease photo City & County

Much to Love

Jackson is much, much more than the sum of its issues.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Ask the Questions

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that the number of Americans—men, women and children—dead due to gun violence in the past seven months is closer to 20,000.

Tease photo Editor's Note

A New Reality

Pornography—the vehicle by which many boys learn how to be men—has turned women into objects of loathing, abuse and violence.

Tease photo Editor's Note

One Hopeful Act

Actions have consequences—Jim Crow racism reverberates to this day.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Notes from the Fishbowl

Waking up to our biases is like popping the red pill—suddenly, the matrix is everywhere.

Tease photo Editor's Note

The Johnson Legacy

Voters have an interesting choice as they head to polls for the second time May 21 to cast ballots for the Democratic Party runoffs.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Move Your Feet

Democracy is people, and the people are us.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Don’t Look Away from Abuse

Violence isn't something that happens to other people. Every day, sexual violence happens in all neighborhoods, rich and poor.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Bryant’s Health-Care Rhetoric Doesn’t Add Up

Insured people do go to doctors more often. That’s exactly the point.

Editor's Note

Hopes and Dreams

Last Friday was the first of the weekly Jackson Free Press summer intern workshops. With more than a dozen people stuffed into our classroom around the long stretch of tables, …

Editor's Note

Deep as My Bones

Mama froze. She was holding something, a towel I think it was, and her hand stopped in mid air. Her incessant motion on pause for a moment, she looked at …

Editor's Note

The Lies We Tell

Last Friday's email brought this little gem to my inbox: Super PACs spent $23 million on deceptive or misleading advertising in GOP primary races, more than half of all advertising …

Editor's Note

The Wonder of it All

In the early 1960s, Mama and Papa leased an old, rundown gas station in Liberty, N.Y., in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains, and spent every weekend of one winter …

Editor's Note

A Woman's Power

Last week, I was part of a panel that explored the question of why more women don't run for public office, sponsored by She Should Run. The Washington, D.C.-based organization …

Editor's Note

Evolve My Mind

I have always measured the quality of my education against what my father taught me. School bored me mostly, but having a conversation with Papa rarely did. He was a …

Editor's Note

Resolution Tango

When I was younger, I would annually trot out the usual suspects when it came time to make my new year's resolutions. You know the ones: lose weight; quit smoking; …

Editor's Note

Ring a Bell

At the end of September, I took my vacation in Batesville. Unbeknownst to many--including the majority of Mississippians, I imagine--Batesville is the home to the Magnolia Grove Buddhist Monastery and …

Editor's Note

Home at Last?

When I was small, my parents seemed to think that moving to a new city to give my dad better job opportunities was a pretty cool thing to do.

Editor's Note

Finding What's Right

It's easy to criticize. I know this intimately. In fact, I'm considering hiring a private detective to search for that half-full glass.


[Mott] I Surrender

My sister Inga was a Diet Coke junkie. She kept spare quart bottles of the stuff in reserve so she wouldn't run out. If you saw her out and about, …

Editor's Note

Odyssey of Discovery

Back in July 2006, I found myself on the edge of a new life. Four months earlier, I'd been laid off from a job after nine years. I was at …

Editor's Note

Truth to Power

I spent last weekend in New Orleans at the Association of Alternative Newsmedia convention. It was held in the posh Ritz Carlton in the heart of the city's business district, …

Editor's Note

Reverence and the River

I love thunderstorms. From the safety of a covered porch, a nighttime thunderstorm can be a truly awe-inspiring natural light-and-sound show on par with the best July 4 fireworks. Just …

Editor's Note

Thanks for Brooklyn

It seemed everyone knew one another, and always, always someone was looking out and watching over the kids.

Domestic Violence

A Good Woman Lives Here

John followed me out of the bar, yelling as I crossed the street, yelling when I got into my car, yelling as I started the engine. I don't remember what …


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