Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Baddha Konasana

(Bound Angle Pose)

Coming into the pose: Sitting upright with your legs straight in front, bend your knees to draw the soles of your feet together and open your knees out to the side. Keep your pelvis in a neutral position, neither tilting forward or backward, and lengthen your spine. Your hands may support you from behind your hips or, if you are more flexible, you can hold your ankles. Hold 1 to 3 minutes, breathing comfortably.

DO: • Elevate your hips if you hips or groins are tight or your back is rounded.

• Release your inner groins and heads (top) of your thigh bones toward the floor.

• Prop with a block or folded blanket under your knees if you feel tension in your knees.

DON'T: • Force your knees down.

• Hold your breath.

BENEFITS: • Improves flexibility of the hips and groins.

• Stimulates abdominal organs.

• Relieves sciatica.

Stories this photo appears in:

Tease photo Wellness

Yoga for Runners

This is part one in an instructional yoga series, each focused on yoga positions for different purposes.


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