Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Ardha Matsyendrasana

(Half Lord of the Fishes Pose or Half Spinal Twist)

Coming into the pose: Sitting upright with your legs out in front, cross your right foot over your left leg. Press both sitting bones into the ground. With support of your right hand on the floor behind your right hip, lengthen your spine. On an exhalation, twist toward your right leg and cross your left elbow over to the outside of your right knee. Continue the twist through the length of your spine and look over your right shoulder.

Hold 60 seconds, breathing comfortably. Release and repeat on the other side.

DO: • Support your hips with folded blankets if your back is rounded.

• Do keep all four corners of your right foot on the ground.

• Allow the twist to happen organically from the deep musculature of your spine.

DON'T: • Force the twist with the strength of your arms.

• Do this pose if you have a back or spine injury without an experienced teacher.

Hold your breath.

BENEFITS: •Improves flexibility of the hips, back, shoulders and neck.

• Relieves backache.

• Stimulates liver and kidneys.

Stories this photo appears in:

Tease photo Wellness

Yoga for Runners

This is part one in an instructional yoga series, each focused on yoga positions for different purposes.


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