October 16, 2013
Ronni Mott
Stories this photo appears in:

Hosemann Twists Voter ID Facts, Again
At last July's Neshoba County Fair, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann upped the ante on the usual GOP talking points of "business good, government bad"; state's rights; Obama's failures.

Righting Our Grand Failure
Mississippi's wellness buckets are full of stagnant swamp water. Most of us are familiar with the dismal statistics. Take your pick: teen pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, smoking, heart disease—our rates lead …

Investigate the Hayne Cases, Gen. Hood
Reading journalist Radley Balko's May 15 piece on Steven Hayne in The Washington Post reminded me, again, of our broken justice system.

Hobby Lobby Wages War on Birth Control
The Green family is headed to Washington, D.C., for its day in court—the U.S. Supreme Court.

My Opening Farewell
After my many years with the JFP in numerous roles, the names and faces of all the dedicated souls who passed through the doors are too many to count or …
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