June 17, 2015
Leslie McLemore II
Stories this photo appears in:

OPINION: Serena Williams, Achieving Unboxed Wonders
For #BlackGirlMagic in the form of Serena and Naomi to dominate a sport meant for the white upper class is to rage against the mayo-flavored patriarchal machine.

OPINION: ‘Star Wars’ and Blerds
In 2017, being labeled a black nerd, or a blerd, is seemingly a badge of honor. But a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, being labeled a …

Clockwork Gun Violence
It's like clockwork, at this point. There's a deadly shooting in this country, followed by an ocean of "thoughts and prayers," then a debate over whether more gun control is …

The Joel Osteen Transaction
Obtaining wealth through teaching the word of Jesus clash with each other. This clash is so violent that I ask how one who has gained so much wealth by teaching …

Democracy’s Third Branch in Danger
The Supreme Court has nine justices. Nine justices who are left to their own devices to interpret the constitution however they deem fit.

Look Ahead But Stay Present in the Jackson Mayor’s Race
As I look back on the many years I spent living in the city of Jackson, romanticism sometimes begins to set in.

Harsh Words (and Love) for Jackson and Mississippi
As a former Jacksonian looking into the city from D.C. with a powerful set of binoculars, I can't help but ask myself, "What the hell is going on?"

Russia Hackers Pale Beside Domestic Voter Suppression
Scary as this may sound, foreign Russian influence doesn't hold a candle to home-cooked voter suppression.

Obama and the Black Millennial
When black millennials witness such blatant ignorance parade its orange head on the national stage, we always ask ourselves, “Could Obama get away with this?” I contend that the average …

Doing it for Black Culture
Believe it or not, some people still deny the undeniable influence of black culture. Unfortunately for those who still attempt to deny these influences, black culture is American culture, and …

On Post-9/11 Unity
When people recall the events of 9/11, they generally view it as a day of immense tragedy. Yes, heroic actions took place that no billion-dollar comic-book movie will ever be …

Police Killings: Action, Reaction
I believe that everything doesn't happen for a reason. Sometimes, reason is thrown out the window, and one simply becomes afflicted with either fortunate or unfortunate luck.

Fighting the System
When America continuously witnesses the murder and harassment of black folks by those who are assigned to "protect and serve," one question pops up in my mind: Do they think …

Equal-Opportunity Bullets
If one peeked through the veil of gun freedom rhetoric, he or she may take issue with our gun culture and discover it to be a bullet-riddled illness that has …

Blame Me for HB 1523, the New Jim Crow Legislation in Mississippi
I, along with many others, should receive part of the blame for this resurgence of discrimination and bigotry across our state. I left, I got educated, and I didn’t come …

WWJD: Many ‘Christian’ Political Leaders Don’t Care
The strategy of exclusivity from political leaders like Gov. Phil Bryant can be described as discriminatory, unrealistic, asinine and very non-Christ-like.

My Coming Out Story
The LGBT community grows every year during National Coming Out Day. During this day of courage, "hidden" members of the LGBT community have a chance to reveal their true selves …
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