Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Charles Corder

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OPINION: From Memory Holes to 'Alternative Facts,' George Orwell's '1984' Has Endured

Few novels have stood the test of time like "1984" by George Orwell. Since its publication in 1949, many of the ideas and terms in the novel have come into …

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OPINION: Caution; Numbers in Presidential Polls Don't Count, Yet

President Donald Trump's approval ratings are in the basement, and he could be impeached. But with about a year to go until Election Day 2020, it's too early to write …

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OPINION: Tate Reeves Is Always Right. Ask Him.

"If Reeves had been a European king, he's the type who would have inspired a revolution as soon as he put on the crown. He might be inspiring a revolution …

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OPINION: Reeves Is the Wrong Choice

Normally, I don't like to be wrong. But I wouldn't mind being wrong about next Tuesday's Republican gubernatorial primary. Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves is probably going to win the primary …

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OPINION: Tuning in to Tate Television

"(Tate) Reeves is dead-set against insuring uninsured Mississippians. Why is he opposed to 'Obamacare expansion?' Lately, Reeves won't give a reason. He's just against it."


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