Protesting "Obamacare" | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Protesting "Obamacare"

Anti-Obamacare Rally on Friday the 8th, 2012 at the Federal Courthouse Steps.

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12

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Anti-Obamacare Rally in front of the Federal Courthouse 6.8.12


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