'Deplorable' Conditions at Westside Trailer Park | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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'Deplorable' Conditions at Westside Trailer Park

Westside Trailer Park, located right outside of Canton in Madison County, is home to a mostly Hispanic community. Many tenants work at the poultry processing factory, Peco Foods, which is in walking distance of the park. While it doesn't seem that those living at the park complain about the poor shape of the trailers, several Canton citizens and officials are worried that the tenants are being taken advantage of. Read more at jfp.ms/westside.

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At Westside trailer park, spray painted numbers distinguish the homes from one another and Christmas …

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A child's bike is flipped over next to a trampoline in the back yard of …

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Crude spray paint artwork decorates the exterior of a mobile home in Westside trailer park.

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