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Barbour Announces New Coast Housing Effort

Under fire for diverting federal funds away from low- and middle-income housing for Katrina survivors, Gov. Haley Barbour today announced a new housing plan for public-sector employees on the Gulf …


North Toward Home

As House and Senate members met May 18 to hammer out the details of Gov. Haley Barbour's call for a special session, Barbour himself was nowhere to be found in …


Protesters Seek Full Pardon for Scott Sisters

Paroled sisters Jamie and Gladys Scott deserve a full pardon for their alleged 1993 crime, protesters argued today. A crowd of more than 100 marched this morning from Farish Street …


Momentum Gaining Momentum?

Tempers flared for the first real time on the floor of the Mississippi House of Representatives May 26 as lawmakers argued over an amendment by Rep. Bennett Malone, D-Carthage, to …


Hood To Push ‘Spice' Bill

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood is asking Gov. Haley Barbour to include a bill banning synthetic marijuana during Friday's special legislative session.


Haley Barbour's 2008 Inaugural Address

Read the verbatim full text of the governor's prepared remarks over on StateDesk.


Delta Legislators Point Fingers at Barbour

The Delta-Democrat Times is reporting:


The Medicaid Compromise?

Administrators from two hospitals that have a no-refusal policy regarding patient admittance warned House members today that a hospital bed tax proposed by Gov. Haley Barbour will force cuts in …


School Proponents Urge Budget Cut Restraint

UPDATED: October 16, 2009

Education advocates are urging Gov. Haley Barbour to resist making further cuts to the state's education budget in response to revenue shortfalls yesterday. Barbour warned this week that more budget …


C-L Endorses Blackmon, Tuck for Lt. Guv

The Clarion-Ledger pointed to Blackmon's experience in the Senate to choose her over Democratic challenger Jim Roberts for the Dem nod, and to take on Tuck in November. Sid Salter …


Protect Justice in Mississippi

Gov. Haley Barbour and Mississippi's legislators have several opportunities this session to provide measures of justice to its citizens.


2009 Legislature Convenes in Old Capitol

Perhaps as an omen to the contentiousness ahead, the Mississippi Legislature convened the new session Tuesday in the restored Old Capitol—the building where Mississippi once voted to secede from the …


Bill Restricts State's Use of Eminent Domain

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour could face his first veto override if he refuses to sign a House bill limiting the state's right to take property. House Bill 803 restricts any …


Barbour Schedules Stimulus Meeting

[verbatim] Governor Haley Barbour is bringing together state agency heads, legislators and local government officials as well as inviting the public to participate in a Mississippi Stimulus Summit on April …


Easy On Community Colleges?

In a budget proposal that suggested drastic consolidation of the state's K-12 school districts and public universities, Gov. Haley Barbour was noticeably less adamant about changes to the state's community …


Barbour: Slavery Omission ‘Doesn't Matter for Diddly'

Speaking Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Gov. Haley Barbour defended fellow Republican Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's recent proclamation of Confederate History Month that did not reference slavery. While …


Barbour Attacks Eaves for Suing the Military; Eaves Responds

In recent TV ads, Gov. Haley Barbour feigns outrage at his opponent for suing the military as a trial attorney. Eaves responds in an e-mail and TV spot that indicates …


Barbour Asks EPA to Stop Casino

Read Barbour's letter to the EPA


Bad News and Hard Cuts Embody State of State

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour's 2010 State of the State address on Monday fell short on good news. The state is facing a revenue shortfall of more than $350 million, and …


State of the State: A Fact-Check

Gov. Haley Barbour used his final State of the State address, on Jan. 11, to tout his resume of accomplishments over two terms. Ever the savvy political communicator, the governor …