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Cochran, McDaniel: Is One Better for Jackson?

That puts Jackson in a precarious position—do Democratic-leaning voters in Jackson support Cochran in his bid to retain his seat or focus on sending the Democratic nominee, former U.S. Rep. …

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Eight Vie for Ward 6 Seat

When Mayor Tony Yarber was elected back in April, his previous position as south Jackson's Ward 6 councilman became available and several people came forward to take on the challenges …

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Ward 6 forum

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Poll: GOP Excitement Still High, McDaniel Leads

Enthusiasm among an older and overwhelmingly white electorate has not waned in the Republican primary runoff for U.S. Senate, a Democratic polling firm finds.

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Analysis: Apathetic Dems Could Decide GOP Primary

The conventional wisdom in the Mississippi primary for U.S. Senate is that state Sen. Chris McDaniel has the momentum going into the runoff against incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran.


McDaniel, Cochran Readying for Round 2 in Epic Primary 'Fight'

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Republicans huddled Thursday over the slow-motion showdown of the Mississippi Senate runoff, with allies of Sen. Thad Cochran aiming to sharpen his message and supporters of …

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Politics Jeopardizes Magnolia LGBT Support

A resolution recognizing the dignity and worth of all people in Magnolia, Miss., including people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), could become a casualty of small-town politics.

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The 3rd Annual Beer Taste-Off with Raise Your Pints

For the third year straight, we invited the folks over at Raise Your Pints to come to the Jackson Free Press offices and share their insights on great craft beer.

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A Bust for Barbour’s Corporate Welfare

Chiquita, known as the United Fruit Company before that name became synonymous with political bullying and corruption in Latin America, announced recently that it was moving its operation at the …

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Stop-and-Frisk Comes to Jackson?

Mayor Tony Yarber, who formerly represented south Jackson on the city council, said recently that he was "sickened" and "disgusted" by the spate of homicides that has Jackson reeling and …

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On Beer, Progress and Summer

Every time we choose a local business, we’re making a choice to help enrich our local area.

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Jackson Passes Pro-LGBT Resolution

Mississippi's largest city and state capital finally passed a resolution affirming equality for all citizens, including the LGBT community.

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Jackson 'Equality' Resolution on Agenda Tuesday

Jackson is expected to become the eighth Mississippi city to pass an equality resolution that includes LGBT residents.


May 29, 2014

8 Candidates Running in Jackson Ward 6 Council Race

By HaleyFerretti

The City announced the following people as candidates in the upcoming Ward 6 election for City Council:

  • Daniel Myers
  • Robert Amos
  • Dennis Sweet, IV
  • Tim Rush
  • Wayne Lewis
  • Robert E. Green, Sr.
  • Rashaad Crisler
  • Tyrone C. Hendrix

The deadline to file for candidacy ended at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. The unofficial list originally consisted of 11 candidates. However, some names were ultimately cast out due to problems with signature filing.

The election is scheduled for June 17, and a runoff election, should it be in order, is set for July 1.


May 29, 2014 | 6 comments

Fla. League of Women Voters Releases Startling Charter School Study

By HaleyFerretti

The Florida League of Women Voters released the following verbatim news release Tuesday, May 27, 2014 in regard to a recently-completed study on charter schools across the state.

League of Women Voters Releases State-Wide Study on School Choice

Tallahassee, Fla — Twenty percent of the state's charter schools close because of financial mismanagement or poor academic standards, according to the League of Women Voters of Florida after a year-long study of charter schools in 28 Florida counties.

"Charter schools could fill a niche in Florida's educational spectrum, but for many, their biggest contribution may be to corporate bottom lines," said Deirdre Macnab, President of the League of Women Voters of Florida.

With over 576 charter schools in the state, the League of Women Voters of Florida conducted a study in order to better understand the oversight, management, accountability and transparency of charter and private schools in Florida.

The study found that:

Approximately one-third of charters are run by for-profit management companies. Many screen students, then drop those who are not successful, which public schools are prohibited from doing. Charters also serve particular socio-economic groups, increasing segregation in schools.

Although charters tend to be smaller than traditional schools, there is no consistent difference in achievement for charter school and public school students.

Many charters blur the distinction between religious and non-secular schools. Some churches receive as much as a million dollars in lease payments annually for their facilities from charter schools.

In areas with declining enrollments, neither the charters nor regular public schools are large enough to adequately provide support for staff like nurses or counselors. Retaining teachers is also a problem; most charters offer lower salaries and benefits than public schools.

The League's study produced several recommendations:

Charters should be limited to those that fill unmet needs in identified local school districts.

Stronger local management oversight and disclosure policies are needed.

Financial mismanagement issues must be addressed, as too often the privatization of schools leads to financial abuse.

For more information, including further findings and recommendations, please see the state-wide study, along with the individual studies conducted by eighteen local Leagues across Florida.

The League of Women Voters of Florida, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. For more information, please visit the League's website at: http://www.TheFloridaVoter.org.


Conflict of Interest Concerns

Senator John Legg Chair of Senate Education Committee is co-founder and business administrator of Daysprings Academy in Port Richey.

Senator Kelli Stargel from Orange County is on board of McKeel Academies. She is on the Education Committee and sponsored the Parent Trigger Bill.

House Budget Chairman Seth McKeel is on the board of McKeel Academy Schools in Polk County.

Anne Corcoran, wife of future House Speaker Richard Corcoran has a charter school in Pasco County. Richard Corcoran is Chair of the House Appropriations Committee.

Senator Anitere Flores …


Head of Miss. Environmental Agency to Resign

Trudy Fisher, Mississippi's chief environmental regulator, will resign her post at the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality at the end of the summer.

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Jatran Natural Gas Conversion May Cool ‘Heated’ Bus Riders

Due to ongoing issues with air-conditioning units on several JATRAN buses, passengers might have to find an alternative solution to their traveling needs this summer.

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Police, Experts Say Youth Programs Help Cut Crime

With Jackson Public Schools now out for the summer, many people are worried that the students' newly found freedom will lead to kids getting bored or giving in to peer …

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Madison Judge Racial-Abuse Case to go to Grand Jury

Madison County Justice Court Judge Bill Weisenberger is being accused of knocking down, slapping and kicking a mentally disabled young black man and yelling a racial slur: "Run, n*gger, run."

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Thalia Mara Work to Wrap Early

Soon, Thalia Mara Hall will be back, and officials overseeing its renovation say the opera house will be better than ever.