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Domestic Violence

AG: Trusty Ozment Found in Wyoming

After several weeks of trying to track down pardoned governor's mansion trusty Joseph Ozment, investigators from the Mississippi attorney general's office served Ozment with court papers last night in Laramie, …


No Deposit, No Return

If you were the melodramatic type, you might call it a nightmare. Barely a year into the new mandates, and increased (and largely unfunded) costs, of the federal No Child …


Mental Health Funding Under Knife

Advocates for a state-funded mental hospital in Newton are pleading with state legislators to keep its doors open next year.


A Tamperin' They Will Go

Last week, the Mississippi Senate followed the lead of Gov. Haley Barbour in pushing for "home-rule" for the top-rated school districts in the state. The Senate voted 30-to-19 in favor …


Barbour Announces 2009 Spending Cuts; Spares MAEP

[Verbatim statement] (JACKSON, Mississippi) – Governor Haley Barbour today ordered Fiscal Year 2009 spending cuts totaling $41.9 million, or two percent, for most state agencies due to a shortfall in …

Domestic Violence

Rape Victim: Fix the System

A rape victim asked Gov. Haley Barbour why he was allowing her rapist out on furlough. His answer may surprise you. Or maybe not.

Tease photo Politics

Green Rules Against Ballot ‘Ball of Confusion'

Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Tomie Green heard arguments Thursday on a preliminary injunction against the distribution of a November ballot that would place the U.S. Senate race between Roger …


AG Sues Barbour Over Veto

Citing case law that restricts the Mississippi governor from selectively vetoing the purpose of an appropriation and redistributing its funds, Attorney General Jim Hood filed a lawsuit against Gov. Haley …

Domestic Violence

Barbour Pardons Two More Woman Killers

Gov. Haley Barbour's going-away present for Mississippi is to put a trio of convicted murderers back out on our streets, including two more who brutally murdered the women in their …


Rep. Brown: Irby Clemency File Missing

Here is the statement, verbatim:

House Democrats have just released a statement from Rep. Cecil Brown, D-Jackson, on former Gov. Haley Barbour's pardons. In it, he says files are missing for several pardon recipients, including …

Tease photo City & County

Be The Change

Operation Shoestring hosts its annual luncheon at the Jackson Convention Complex Nov. 14.


The Ole Switcheroo

Flanked by Gov. Haley Barbour and incoming Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, state Sen. Gray Tollison announced that his becoming a member of the Republican Party was the best thing for …


Index: Your Vote Count?

• The percentage of Americans that voted in the 2000 presidential election: 54.7

• The number of Mississippians between 18 and 35: approx. 692,500• The number of Mississippians who voted in the 2000 election: 993, 571• The number of eligible Mississippi voters who …


Radio JFP at Noon Thursday; Crisler May Appear

Councilman Marshand Crisler is joining Donna Ladd and Todd Stauffer today at noon for Radio JFP on WLEZ-FM (103.7 or http://www.wlezfm.com for a live stream)—if he can get out of …


Gov. Barbour, Do More Than 'Hope'

Read last issue's "No Deposit, No Return", the story that helped set off the education firestorm against the governor the week after it came out.


September 20, 2013

Cochran Throwing Salt in GOP Hopefuls' Game?

By R.L. Nave

If you listen closely, you'll hear it: it's the sound of 147 Republicans who hope to replace Sen. Thad Cochran weeping.

OK, maybe it's not quite that many. But Mississippi pols have been jockeying for position for a while on the chance that Cochran, who is so old that he remembers a time when Congress did stuff, retires when his term is up.

But Jonathan Martin of the New York Times wrote on his blog, The Caucus, that Cochran, 75, is raising money like a first term representative.

Martin notes of Cochran:

"He is hosting a breakfast Friday morning at a Capitol Hill restaurant, charging $500 for individuals and $1,000 for political action committees. Next month, Mr. Cochran will attend another, pricier breakfast featuring former Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi at Mr. Barbour’s namesake Washington lobbying firm. And in November, Mr. Cochran is staging what he’s billing as a “fall retreat” at a new resort in Middleburg, Va."

Earlier this year, Cochran held fundraisers in West Point, Miss., and Washington D.C., records from the Sunlight Foundation's Political Party Time site show.

It's likely a safe Republican seat, though a high-profile Democrat could creep in if the Republican primary leaves the nominee bloodied and weak.

At this point, Cochran is kind of like a dominant male lion at the watering hole. Other Republican hopefuls just have to sit back and wait for Cochran to have his fill (serving in the Senate is the water in this analogy).

If they don't, Thad will have them for lunch.



Barbour Blames Media for Toyota Woes

In 2007—before the economy tanked—Mississippi lawmakers and Gov. Haley Barbour approved a $293.9 million incentive package to persuade Toyota Motor Corp. to build a factory in Blue Springs, Miss., near …


UPDATE: House Speaker McCoy Wins in 62-60 Vote

The Legislature is in session, and the House will vote on a new speaker shortly. Keep an eye out here for the outcome of the contentious battle, with Gov. Haley …


Haley's Shadow Money

Barbour's confidence going into his re-election campaign is formidable. But the former Washington lobbyist and former chairman of the Republican National Committee may not be such a "former" lobbyist after …