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R. Kelly Trial - who's to blame?

So many of you are probably familiar with the case of statutory rape that singer R. Kelly is facing. So word is that Kelly and the underaged female are denying …


Unholstered: A Greenwood Family Fights For Its Rights

The bell rang for fifth period at Greenwood High School, and James Marshall walked to class. The 17-year-old wore his throwback Dave Wilcox jersey that his mom had bought him, …


Clarion-Ledger: Wilcher Must Die

In an editorial today, The Clarion-Ledger explains its support of the death penalty and why it is good that the state is going to kill Bobby Glen Wilcher today:


D.A. to Mayor: ‘Bring It On'

Click here for a podcast of Attorney General Jim Hood's press conference about the D.A.-Mayor conflict.


Why White People Are Afraid

Robert Jensen, a UT journalism professor and the author of an intriguing new book, "The Heart of Whiteness," writes on Alternet about what he sees as white people's fears:


Dirty Tricks Against Obama ... Already

Per Joe Conason over at Salon, the right-wing machine is pulling some old dirty tricks out of its archive:


Barbour Criticized for Slavery Insensitivity

Gov. Haley Barbour earned the ire of many when he downplayed a controversy over state proclamations of Confederate History Month--which omitted any mention of slavery--in comments last weekend.


Clarion-Ledger Moves In; Indy Media Boxes/Racks Trashed

What citizens can do. June 20, 2006—A little while ago, calls started coming in from the reservoir area, telling us that our racks and boxes, and those of other members …


[Kamikaze] Spike's Daze

I've always been a fan of Spike Lee, especially for his "take no crap" stance against the Hollywood establishment.

Editor's Note

We Need A Mayor, Not A Daddy

It is going to be painfully ironic—and useless—if the recent murder spate is the factor that finally gets the Jackson media to start questioning Mayor Frank Melton. Unless proven otherwise, …


[Wilson] What We Conservatives Learned

November 12, 2008 For conservatives, and people who support limited government, this week feels wrong. Fifty-three percent of the American public has chosen a man whose campaign for "change" has …

Frank Melton

Day 4: Not Guilty On All Counts

Mayor Frank Melton and his police bodyguards, Marcus Wright and Michael Recio, were found not guilty on all counts. When court was recessed, it exploded in applause, with members of …


Quote of the Day: Going Along to Get Along

I love this. From Gender 3.0 blogger Cameron Scott:


[Breaking] Killen Sentenced to 60 Years

Moments ago in Neshoba County, Judge Marcus Gordon has sentenced Edgar Ray Killen, 80, to the full 60 years possible for his guilty verdict for manslaughter in the James Chaney, …


Seattle's Former Top Cop Says End Drug War

In an op ed this weekend in the Seattle Times (and, it seems, the LA Times, since he's bylined as "Special to the Los Angeles Times"), Norm Stamper, former chief …


On Civil Elections and Civic Journalism

<b>Voters to Dems: Be Progressive</b>

In the few days since the Nov. 4 election, we've heard a lot of anger and consternation from readers. Many are wondering how in the world the blatant GOP use …

Tease photo Cover

I Want Justice, Too: Brother Wants Mississippi Cold Case Murders Re-opened

The Jackson Free Press teamed with the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. to follow an Army vet and Mississippi native on his journey back home, looking for justice for his little brother …


No. 42, July 5-12

<b><em>Misogynist Vulgarity</b></em>

I read Kamikaze's unwarranted attack on Oprah Winfrey ("Shut Out By The Queen," June 22) in your last issue and felt compelled to respond.


I'm Fed Up!!! Tired of folks blaming hip-hop for our ills: My response to Leonard Pitts' Column

Peace and Blessings, my name is Kamikaze. Im a nationally known hiphop artist from Jackson, MS and President of the Mississippi Artists and Producers Coalition. I also write a bi-weekly …
