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Alert the Media: Council Agrees

The Jackson City Council at least temporarily agreed on something when they voted Monday to confirm three mayoral picks for top city positions. Council members Frank Bluntson, Charles Tillman, Kenneth …


Change Meets Fear at JSU

Members of committees affiliated with Jackson State University are worried that the university will cut programs in a curriculum reorganization.


City Appeals Byram Incorporation

The city of Jackson shook off a recent deal with the community of Byram, after a Hinds County Chancery Court judge's decision to allow Byram residents to incorporate.


The Left v. Health-Care Reform

Critics are lining up against the U.S. Senate health-care reform bill.


ANALYSIS: Council Dodges Numerous Bullets

The Melton administration this week proposed to dip into the city's budget reserves in an attempt to cauterize the bleeding city budget—and even pay rent on police precincts that are …


Amid Shouts, A 911 Overhaul

The mood in the House on Feb. 8 was affable, as it had been throughout most of the Legislative session since it opened in January. Lawmakers passed more than 10 …


The 2009 JFP Interview with Dorothy Benford

Jackson resident Dorothy "Dot" Benford seems to run for office almost every time an election year comes around. She has a small list of unwavering supporters and an ant's determination …

Pearl River

PEER to Levee Board: Move Faster!

The Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District's navel-gazing on flood control along the Pearl River this month drew fire from he Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and …


Proposed Coal Plant Finds Opposition

Opposition is mounting against a proposed 582-megawatt coal gasification plant in Kemper County that could increase Mississippi ratepayers' utility bills by 15 percent.

Frank Melton

City Pays Melton's Legal Fees

During a June 16 City Council meeting, the council voted—without issue or debate—to pay the late Mayor Frank Melton's $37,500 attorney fee in connection with his federal trial for demolishing …


Money, Medicaid and ... Money

The House and Senate addressed funding for state agencies last week, passing a number of revenue bills tapping into the state's projected $19 billion bank account. One of them was …


Bond Proposal Triumphs

To the astonishment of naysayers (and some supporters), an overwhelming majority of Jackson voters approved the recent $150 million Jackson Public Schools bond issue. Like the Convention Center bond proposal …


Better Late Than Never?

District Attorney-elect Robert Smith got a nice boost from the Supreme Court less than 24 hours into his successful run-off against former Hinds County District Attorney Faye Peterson. Using $160,000 …


Is Fire Department Up To Par?

An unnamed source inside the Jackson Fire Department says he is worried that the Jackson Fire Department may not retain its current ISO rating when the city is up for …


Legislators Eye State Budget

The Mississippi Legislature was back in action April 20 to approve a $5.5 billion fiscal-year 2011 budget and the re-authorization of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.


MayorWatch [10.25.2006]

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton is slowly working up to his day in court. Court dates are set regarding Melton's alleged rampage on Ridgeway Street and a related charge surrounding his …


Lake Plan Faces Cost Hurdle

U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson said federal funding to study building a lake on the Pearl River will not be easy to obtain, despite the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' renewed …


AG: Hands Off the Judges

Mayor Frank Melton called a March 10 press conference to announce the arrest of two municipal court clerks charged with conspiracy to destroy criminal records. At the same conference, Melton …


Barbour Caves on Tobacco Tax

Gov. Haley Barbour this week announced that he would support a 24-cent-per-pack hike in tobacco taxes. Some say it's not enough.


Airport Commission Under Axe?

Mississippi Department of Transportation Executive Director Larry "Butch" Brown asked the Jackson City Council and Jackson Mayor Frank Melton Tuesday to pull the city's membership from the Airport Parkway Commission. …