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Power Plays

Back in 2001, drivers heading down Highway 220 on cold weekday mornings could see plumes of heat billowing out of the exhaust towers of KGen's Jackson power plant on Beasley …

Frank Melton

Cops Vow to Air Dirty Laundry

The day after City Council refused to fund the promotions of Mayor Frank Melton's bodyguards, a local police union said today that talks with the mayor about the appointments were …


Calling Out the Guard

Note: The print edition erroneously lists Donna Ladd as the author of this piece.

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The Cost of ‘Tough on Crime'

Jackson resident Almona Fleming is a placid woman, prone to introspective stares and thoughtful contemplation during interviews. Her calm demeanor says nothing about the writhing coil of hunger that for …

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Bold 'New' City

As the JFP turns 6 (!), we take our traditional birthday look at Jackson's progress.


The Peacemaker?

The effortless July 5 council vote giving Ward 1 Councilman Ben Allen the president's seat was a dramatic contrast to the council president vote of 2005, when Ward 6 Councilman …

Rights Museum Hidden Costs, Lobbying Questioned

As a vote to approve a controversial placement of a new civil rights museum looms, a commission member is saying that extra taxpayer costs of locating it in a planned …


CityBuzz [10.11.06]

Lott Calls for Bruce Stamp

Sen. Trent Lott has asked the U.S. Senate to issue a postage stamp commemorating the life of Sen. Blanche Kelso Bruce, who was the first African American to serve a …


Fantasy Island

Developers are cheering and environmentalists are jeering as the Lefleur Lakes ("Two Lakes") project gains momentum, helped along by political support from men like Mayor Frank Melton and Gov. Haley …

Candidates Reveal Differences at Debate

Three Republican Party gubernatorial candidates leaned heavy right on social issues, but differed slightly on some money matters at a Flowood debate sponsored by the Mississippi Tea Party.


District Attorney Challenges Chief Justice

An updated version of this story will appear in the print edition Wednesday, June 21.

Tea Party Says AG Soft on ‘Illegals'

At an immigration forum in Madison last night, state Rep. Becky Currie, R-Brookhaven, attacked Attorney General Jim Hood for what she considers his unwillingness to enforce new state legislation that …


Off To The Woods

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton is off to the woods of Jefferson Davis County with about 40 young men this week.


Race Leaves Mark in Mayoral Race

The votes are in for the 2009 Democratic primaries, and the Jackson mayor's race seems to fall along racial lines. Mayoral candidate Marshand Crisler, a Ward 6 councilman, did well …


EXCLUSIVE: City Attorney In the Money?

City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans could collect up to $650,000 on the $65 million convention Center bond proposal, according to a clause in her city contract, first revealed publicly on Nov. …


The New Jackson

Photos by Stephen Little

Even as the mayor and his administration are scrambling to collect overdue fees, hoping to make up for severe budgetary shortfalls, developers say the city is on the verge of …


Melton's Honeymoon, Part I: ‘Hurry Up And Wait'

Mayor Frank Melton rode into the mayor's office with an 88 percent margin of victory according to a July 27 press release from the city. Though the margin was lower …

Mayor Rattles Councilwoman's Cage

Ward 7 Councilwoman Margaret Barrett-Simon said Mayor Frank Melton rattled her cage this morning on the way to a special council meeting. Barrett-Simon told the Jackson Free Press that Melton's …


Big City, Bright Future: Development Surges Ahead in Downtown Jackson

Graphic illustration courtesy of Downtown Jackson Partners

These may be strange days for a Capitol City, but Jackson's rebirth continues to pick up speed, despite the antics of its indicted mayor.


Spies In The Sky

Jackson and the metro area have a new set of eyes in the sky, thanks to local helicopter pilot Coyt Bailey, SafeCity Watch, philanthropist Jim Barksdale and other private donors, …