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All results / Stories / Adam Lynch


Justice Association Slams Barbour's Request to Court

The Mississippi Association for Justice is accusing Gov. Haley Barbour of playing politics with a wrongful-death case in Bolivar County. "Haley Barbour's recent motion to the Supreme Court to reconsider …


Momentum Gaining Momentum?

Tempers flared for the first real time on the floor of the Mississippi House of Representatives May 26 as lawmakers argued over an amendment by Rep. Bennett Malone, D-Carthage, to …


Barbour Targeting Dem Governors

It's political deja vu all over again. In his new role as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Gov. Haley Barbour is playing a key role nationally again—strategizing about how …


Death of a Partnership

The Legislature passed SB 2764, reorganizing the State Board of Health following Clarion-Ledger reports of broad failures and relentless attacks upon board Director Dr. Brian Amy by Sen. Alan Nunnelee. …


Barbour Wants $100 Million Cuts in Education, Mental Health

Gov. Haley Barbour wants to cut more than $100 million from education, mental health and other state services.


Better Late Than Never?

District Attorney-elect Robert Smith got a nice boost from the Supreme Court less than 24 hours into his successful run-off against former Hinds County District Attorney Faye Peterson. Using $160,000 …


Barbour Flaunting Phantom Surplus

State legislators are accusing Gov. Haley Barbour of misrepresenting the condition of the state budget.

Bill Restricts State's Use of Eminent Domain

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour could face his first veto override if he refuses to sign a House bill limiting the state's right to take property. House Bill 803 restricts any …


IHL's Bounds: ‘We're in a Financial Crisis'

The Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning heard some rotten numbers at this morning's IHL meeting. Gov. Haley Barbour recommended a flurry of budget reductions for …

Oil Spill

BP Claims Ignoring Fishing and Casino Workers?

Despite the fact that Gov. Haley Barbour announced last week that the BP has paid $181 million in Mississippi oil spill claims as of Dec. 1, Mississippi Gulf Coast fishing …


Budget Deal Undercuts Education

The Mississippi Legislature left the state capitol with a $4.6 billion budget finally hammered into shape May 28 after a nine-day, $347,000 special session. The session was called into order …


Barbour Caves on Tobacco Tax

Gov. Haley Barbour this week announced that he would support a 24-cent-per-pack hike in tobacco taxes. Some say it's not enough.


House, Senate Switch Roles

The Mississippi Legislature ended the $330,000 special session this week around 10 p.m. Friday night with a final package of bills intended to help rebuild the Coast. Lawmakers managed to …


Legislative Update: Smokes, Schools and Parks

The House agreed with the Senate in a 120-to-0 vote to roll the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi into the Health Department. Former tobacco lobbyist Haley Barbour killed the Partnership …


Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Graphic courtesy of The Mellman Group

The Mississippi Legislature made a second attempt at tax reform this year, with the House's approval of Senate Bill 3084 on a 79 to 41 vote. The bill is an …

Tease photo Politics

Making Peace Over Medicaid?


Health Care

Stadiums and Sticky Hands

Jackson State University will be the new owner of Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium if Gov. Haley Barbour agrees.

The Medicaid Compromise?

Administrators from two hospitals that have a no-refusal policy regarding patient admittance warned House members today that a hospital bed tax proposed by Gov. Haley Barbour will force cuts in …


Appropriations and Pole-Dancing

The House and Senate agreed on a major appropriation bill last week, when negotiators came to terms on appropriations bill SB 2495, which restores $82 million to the Fiscal Year …

School Proponents Urge Budget Cut Restraint

UPDATED: October 16, 2009

Education advocates are urging Gov. Haley Barbour to resist making further cuts to the state's education budget in response to revenue shortfalls yesterday. Barbour warned this week that more budget …