All results / Stories / Arielle Dreher

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Mississippi Flag: A Symbol of Hate or Reconciliation?

Kitsaa Stevens is arguably one of the more passionate defenders of the current Mississippi state flag, which has included the most notorious Confederate battle emblem in its canton since 1894.

Tease photo Education

EdBuild Plan A Path to Expanding ‘School Choice’?

Mississippi isn't EdBuild's first state rodeo. Back in early 2015, EdBuild met with officials in Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal's office, who campaigned for re-election on the idea of re-evaluating school …

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Where Mississippi's U.S. Lawmakers Stand on Gun Laws, Rights

In the wake of the Las Vegas massacre, the Jackson Free Press assembled details on the gun-related legislation that Mississippi lawmakers in Washington have supported or co-sponsored, as well as …

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‘Great State’ Campaign Finance

Rep. Karl Oliver, R-Winona, made waves last week when he told a Mississippi resident that he "could care less" about her concerns about budget cuts, suggesting she leave Mississippi, in …

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Politicians for Sale? The Funders of the House Leadership’s 2015 Campaigns

The Republican supermajority in the House has changed its dynamics this term, and the Democrats chose Rep. David Baria, D-Bay St. Louis, to be their minority whip leader.

Tease photo Politics

UPDATED: State Rep. Karl Oliver Calls for Lynching Over Statues, Later Apologizes

Rep. Karl Oliver posted on Facebook that those taking down Confederate statues "should be LYNCHED!" He later apologized, but many are calling for his resignation.

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Junior Jail: Surviving Mississippi’s Juvenile Justice System

Many juvenile "offenders" are routinely sent into a separate labyrinth from adult offenders in the justice system, one with its own complex problems, remedies and slowly changing standards.

Tease photo Politics

The JFP Quick Take: Election 2015

If you woke up this morning feeling like today was just another day, it's because voters largely voted to preserve the status quo on Election Day.

Tease photo Crime

'Anti-Gang' Bill Heads to Full House to Expand Policing Powers

Rep. Andy Gipson, R-Braxton, called the "Mississippi Anti-Gang Act" one of the most significant pieces of legislation the Legislature could pass in 2018. The bill would make "criminal gang activity" …

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2016 Legislative Preview: Year of the Looming Tax Break(s)?

As legislators return to the capital city and the 2016 session begins, tax cuts are high on the lieutenant governor's—and Mississippi Republicans'—agendas.

Tease photo City & County

Blows, Bullets, Tears: History, Civil Rights Museums Open Amid Hope, Distrust

Myrlie Evers never mentioned Donald Trump by name but said that she sees prejudice, hatred and negativism today she never thought she would see again.

Tease photo Business

Jackson Airport 'Takeover' Bill Passes to Senate Floor, JMAA Gets Award

The airport "takeover" bill now heads to the Senate floor after the Senate Accountability, Efficiency and Transparency Committee passed Sen. Josh Harkins', R-Flowood, bill to create a nine-member commissioner board …

Tease photo LGBT

Mississippi Locals Celebrate SCOTUS Decision but Wait for Marriage Licenses

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in a 5-4 ruling on Friday. In Mississippi, small celebrations broke out on the steps of Hinds County Courthouse, as …

Tease photo City & County

JPS: $65 Million Bond 'The Only Option' for District After State Funding Cuts

The Jackson Public School District is moving forward with a $65-million bond referendum on Aug. 7 for Jacksonians to approve or strike down.

Tease photo City & County

Silent Protesters Will Greet Trump at Opening of Mississippi Museums

The Mississippi chapter of the NAACP and a Hinds County Democratic committee are calling for Trump's surprise plans to visit to Jackson this weekend to be cancelled.

Tease photo City & County

Unfriendly Skies: Can Jackson Save Its Airport?

The City of Jackson, which controls the 3,381 acres of land the airport occupies, is bracing for a looming battle for its control with the State of Mississippi.

Tease photo Crime

'Anti-Gang' Bills: One Alive As Experts Warn About Downside

Rep. Andy Gipson, R-Braxton, did not want to debate the "anti-gang" bill for long this morning, and after about half an hour, he tabled House Bill 541, noting that the …

Tease photo City & County

The ‘Radical’ Mayor, 120 Days Later

Hundreds of Jacksonians sat in mostly silence as Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba delivered his "State of the City" address on a late Monday afternoon in Thalia Maria Hall in downtown …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Black Leaders Boycott over State Flag, as Outrage at Karl Oliver Lingers

Most Republican leaders have distanced themselves from Rep. Karl Oliver, R-Winona, who made national headlines for a Facebook post that called for the lynching of leaders in Louisiana who support …

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UPDATED: Airport Bill Passes Senate, Called ‘Hostile Eminent-Domain Takeover'

More than two hours of debate and six failed amendments later, the Jackson airport “takeover” bill passed the Senate by a vote of 29-18 today, leading critics to slam it …