All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Tease photo City & County

Ceasefire in the City? How Police Can (and Cannot) Deter Gunfire

In 2015, Precinct 2 Commander Jarratt Taylor helped execute a massive enforcement effort called Metro Area Crime Elimination, or MACE for short, promised to be a local version of the …


Getting Your Zen On

Curious about this whole mindful, compassionate, in-the-moment thing? Here are books to inspire you to focus and meditate and let the stupid stuff go, regardless of your religious faith.


Resolve to Write! 2008 Classes Forming Now.

Happy new year, all. And be sure to express yourself in 2008.

Sign up now for my 2008 creative non-fiction writing classes. The next round starts Jan. 3, and I have still have a couple slots in that class (until I hear …


Gross: Why Obama Should Ignore the Dow

Newsweek business columnist Daniel Gross explains why investor ire at Obama about the stock market's ups and downs is misplaced. And he advises Obama to ignore the naysayers and stay …


Guns: A Public Health Issue?

It's difficult to have a serious conversation about the prevalence of guns in American society because it's one of those issues where so many people are strident one way or …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Anita Hill: Keep the Faith and Keep Moving

Anita Hill has dedicated her work to raising awareness of sexual harassment, domestic abuse, equity and workplace discrimination.

Editor's Note

Dazed and Content

I'm sitting here, dazed and content, in front of my eMac, trying to reflect on what 2004 has meant to me. We're about to send the last issue of the …


Mississippi CofCC: Pearl Shouldn't Become ‘Little Jackson'

From the Mississippi CofCC Web site: "Some of our committee members met with several Mississippi House of Representative members to discuss upcoming issues that the legislature will face in 2005. …


Here Comes Rudy!

Gotta love hypocrites.

So, Rudy "Take the Guns!" Giuliani is headed to Mississippi to campaign in a region where very few of his (historic) views actually resonate. We're guessing his kids won't be …


Can You Get More Irrelevant Than This Guy?

Headline over at MSNBC: "Bush condemns noose displays President says displays 'have no place in America today.'" Thank you, Dubya Bush. Nice to see you go out on a limb …


The Real Sarah Palin Unveiled

Now, it seems, we're going to hear all about the woman who helped McCain lose the election. A Newsweek story out today starts telling the rest of the story:

Tease photo Civil Rights

EDITOR'S NOTE: No More ‘Lynching Logic’ to Excuse Brutality Against Black People

"The most common excuse we hear is (Jacob) Blake was wanted for a sexual-assault warrant. So, all of us should be outraged enough to think it was just fine for …

Tease photo City & County

The Dark Side of the Hinds Justice System

It will be a tough slog, but we need confidence and accountability in the Hinds criminal-justice system again.

Tease photo City & County

Yep, JPS Takeover Is a Conspiracy. Prove Me Wrong.

The predictability of all this takeover hoohaa isn't lost on anyone who comprehends Mississippi's history of racial dynamics, white flight and victim-blaming.


Clark Announces Voting Machine Contract

June 29, 2005/press release/verbatim from Secretary of State Eric Clark:

Secretary of State Eric Clark today introduced new touch-screen voting machines that most Mississippians will use to cast ballots beginning in 2006. "These voting machines will greatly improve the accuracy …

Tease photo State

Up 159% Up Since Friday, Mississippi COVID-19 Cases Continue to Rise, Spread

This weekend just saw its second huge spike in coronavirus cases in Mississippi, continuing to spread throughout the state and jumping to 207 cases today from a total of 140 …


'ShopLocal' Blog Declares War on JFP; Says We're 'Misinformed'

In a post that can only be called "jaw-dropping" in its hubris, Gannett's ShopLocal™ blog has taken major umbrage with the JFP's special local-business issue last week, which exposed "local …



"It was my first time, I promise," a tearful teenage girl says, as she shifts her eyes everywhere except on the guy sitting beside her. "I swear, I've never done …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Joy and Pain of Fighting for U.S. Democracy

Donald Trump is just one man. The real threat is the terrifying number of Americans who dote on him no matter what he does. His supporters are often described as …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tis the Season to Stop Judging the Poor

Bare feet don't have bootstraps. You catapult from day-to-day, trying to stay ahead enough not to go hungry or have the lights turned off, even if you eat milk and …