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All results / Stories / Donna Ladd


Repub Govs: Fear Occupy, Divert Attention from Middle Class to Win

At a Republican governors meeting this week, GOP partisans were warned to keep the subject away from the middle class in the upcoming presidential election—or President Obama will win.

Leland Speed Stepping Down from MDA

[verbatim statement] Governor Haley Barbour announced today that Leland Speed, executive director of the Mississippi Development Authority since the beginning of the Barbour Administration, is returning to the private sector …


Site for ‘Mississippi Renewal Forum'

Keep an eye on the plans of Gov. Haley Barbour's "Mississippi Renewal Forum" on this Web site. The front page states:

Tease photo City & County

Middleman Addresses Citizens for Decency's 'Duck Lips' Attack Ad on Yarber

The man who placed the "attack ad" on Tony Yarber says Chokwe A. Lumumba had nothing to do with it.


Salter: Get Your ‘Manufactured' Facts Straight

The Cottonmouth Blog is taking Sid Salter to task for his bizarre and rather desperate attempts to defend Haley Barbour and his blind trust, especially about a snipe Salter took …


Services Aren't Like Toasters

Politicians, especially the tight-fisted ones, love to compare the government to your home. When money is tight at home, they'll explain condescendingly, you may have to send your toaster to …


Services Aren't Like Toasters

Politicians, especially the tight-fisted ones, love to compare the government to your home. When money is tight at home, they'll explain condescendingly, you may have to send your toaster to …


Up In Smoke

A sure-to-be contentious campaign to raise Mississippi's cigarette tax kicked off Nov. 18 in the rotunda of the state Capitol. A coalition of about 40 county and state groups calling …


So, When Did Barbour Have a Change of Heart on Pardons?

Hmmm. When you poke just a little at Barbour's history on and attitudes about pardoning criminals—even men like Cory Maye who shot a police officer who burst into his home …


Laurel Mayor Is Endorsing Eaves, NOT Barbour

In a turnabout, the Democratic mayor of Laurel is denying reports that he and Barbour were planning to jointly announce his endorsement of the governor. The Associated Press is reporting …


Top 13 Ways Oxford Can Replace the Debate

1. Pick-up Ultimate Frisbee between the Gay-Straight Alliance and the College Republicans.

Now that John McCain is cutting and running from the first debate, the town of Oxford is left bursting at the seams with people, reporters, and lots of extra food, …

Editor's Note

Hush! Somebody's Calling Our Name

Never say things can't change. Sometimes remarkable change comes, and it seems so obvious that people barely notice. That was apparent recently when both the Mississippi House and the Senate …

Editor's Note

Rethinking "Tough on Crime"

Gov. Haley Barbour left a lot of people reeling with his recent round of pardons and clemencies. Among the list are vicious, premeditated murderers. It wasn't the first time he's …

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] Rethinking "Tough on Crime"

Gov. Haley Barbour left a lot of people reeling with his recent round of pardons and clemencies. Among the list are vicious, premeditated murderers. It wasn't the first time he's …


GOP PR Firm, Others Under Scrutiny

Sid Salter has an intriguing bit today on his blog about PR firms under scrutiny by the legislative PEER Committee.


Barbour Declares Budget Victory for ‘Both Republicans and Tea Party'

Gov. Haley Barbour just issued a verbatim statement about the debt deal: "The Budget Control Act is a major victory for conservatives both Republican and Tea Party. It is not …


City Crime Rankings: ‘Invalid, Damaging and Irresponsible'

We've been warning Jackson for years about the "dangerous" city rankings scam designed to sell books. Leaders in most cities across American cringe and complain when the CQ Press (formerly …


Hurricane Katrina: Two Years Later

As our state and our Louisiana neighbors face the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with many thousands of people still living in FEMA trailers, and the possibility of another hurricane …

Editor's Note

But Earth, Which Is His Due

At the Neshoba County Fair this year, I had gotten up close to the lectern so I could take a close-up picture of Gov. Haley Barbour's face during his annual …

Editor's Note

Of Barbour and the ‘Uptown Klan'

It seems Haley Barbour went too far this time. In an interview with the conservative Weekly Standard, he downplayed the terror and racial caste system of his town and our …