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Press Association on the JFP ‘Wags" Being ‘Atwitter'

This is fun. The blog of the Mississippi Press Association (I think I'm the only one who ever runs into it) posted something about John Newhouse exiting the Clarion-Ledger, ending …


Child Abuse, Bad Diets Lead to Brain Issues Lead to Crime?

It's kind of one of those scientific findings that ought to be obvious, but here it is: Children who are physically and emotionally abused often become violent criminals. In the …


What, Hampton? Crime ‘Better' Than When?

As part of The Clarion-Ledger's odd collection of articles today, seemingly designed to kiss and make up with the city it has scorned and bashed for so long, David Hampton …


8th Annual JFP Chick Ball Set for Saturday, July 28, 2012

The 8th Annual JFP Chick Ball is raising money to help the Center for Violence Prevention start a rape crisis center. Center Director Sandy Middleton chose the focus for this …


GAO: FEMA Favored Mississippi Over Louisiana

The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office has confirmed that FEMA favored Mississippi over Louisiana after Katrina, concurring with the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general who criticized FEMA for awarding "the …


A Truly Racially Diverse America Ahead

Now that the nation officially numbers more than 300 million, what next?

The Associated Press has an intriguing story about what America will look like when we hit 400 million people, which is projected to happen in fewer than 40 years. White …


Why Won't Ledge Identify Press Releases!?!

OK, this practice has long bugged me, but now it's really driving me crazy. Now that The Clarion-Ledger is turning its newspaper into "information centers," they are posting press releases …


Scruggs Paid Lawyer to Convince Hood in State Farm Case

It has emerged in court documents that attorney Dickie Scruggs paid attorney Steve Patterson $500,000 to lobby Jim Hood to try to get him not to indict State Farm. The …


Cult of ‘Objectivity' Is Destroying America

Anyway, here is some of what Krugman says. (Better late than never, I guess.):

So-called media objectivity is destroying our country, The New York Times' Paul Krugman is telling us on his blog. I've been warning about this he-said-she-said approach to journalism for years …


JFP Wins Awards for Feature Writing, Public Service, Commentary

The JFP got more great news Friday night when we learned that we are winning two first-place and one second-place award from the Society of Professional Journalists' southeastern division. Valerie …


Clarion-Ledger Gets Homicide Facts Wrong

To boot, this is a dramatically wrong statement. (Thanks to golden eagle for catching it.)

In a front-page story today, The Clarion-Ledger reported on the city's rising homicide rate, warning that the 36 to date this year is approaching the "record of 57 in 2004"—incidentally …


Sexist Media Depictions of Hillary Clinton?

We've had a side conversation going on this topic over on our Super Tuesday thread, and I don't want it to get lost. Would love to pick up that thread …


Huh? Money to the Best Schools, Not the Worst

Can someone explain to me why we're giving extra money to the top-performing schools, and not to the lowest-performing that clearly need it the most???


‘Corporate Controlled Press' Hiding Barbour's Flaws?

I was just reading the comments under the Think Progress Barbour "corruption" thread and saw this comment that deserves more discussion:


A Mortgage Crisis of Bush's Making

The New York Times had the must-read story of the month Sunday, dissecting how the policies of Bush and friends created the deep mortgage crisis we're facing today:


Is It So Difficult to Imagine, Ledger?

The Clarion-Ledger has an editorial today crediting Acting Chief-Sheriff Malcolm McMillin with dealing with the Latasha Norman case quickly and effectively, which seems a bit forced (they must have also …


Slate, NYT, Balko Calling Out JFP Work on Barbour Pardons

We are thrilled to see that, thanks to Reason editor Radley Balko, national media are finally picking up on news the JFP's Ronni Mott, with intern Sophie McNeil, brought out …


Gannett Plans to Shrink Dailies; Target Older Folks

Interesting poop about the Gannett Co.'s plans for its daily newspapers. (Remember that Gannett owns The Clarion-Ledger.) It seems that they plan to shift their strategy from producing print newspapers …


JFP Chick Ball Auction Guide

Paintings on canvas and bright sparkly jewelry

Julie Andrews was spot on in the "Sound of Music": Our favorite things have the ability to lift our mood and our spirits.


Journalist David Halberstam Killed in Car Wreck

This is tragic, tragic news. May this amazing journalist and writer rest in peace.