All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

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Win or Lose, We Must Fight the ‘Trump Effect’

The white woman's name and phone number showed up clearly on the caller ID when she called the Jackson Free Press several times, angry about a column a young black …

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Of Charles Barbour, TEDx Jackson and Decent Role Models

Simple facts about what built today's inequality are not discussed by people like Charles Barbour. They still use the same old-school scare tactics that should offend white voters because they …


Barbour Stashes Riches in Blind Trust

[Statement] (Jackson, Miss.)--In one of his first actions after his Inauguration, Governor Haley Barbour created a blind trust and will place all of his investment and income earning assets in …

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Raising An Army

This past Monday night, I sat in an auditorium at Millsaps College packed with students—mostly female, but many males as well—and watched the documentary "Half the Sky."

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Mr. Dylan, Mr. Evers

It was raining the morning of May 17, 2003. I was in my office, worrying about what the Jubilee! JAM organizers must be going through. It's hard to make this …

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Where There's A Will ...

I understand well that cycles of poverty originate from historic events that, if not equalized, create generations of people who cannot defeat the fate of their elders.

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Giving Thanks Where It's Due

You lose when media just tell you what you want to hear.

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Fighting Like a Woman in 2018

Like many women, I grew up in a world where our careers were already subject to the approval of the men who tend to run and fund stuff, and if …

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Of Love and Orlando

The day before a gunman massacred 49 mostly Latino men and women at the gay club, Pulse, in Orlando, I was wandering through the Brooklyn Pride festival in New York …

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A Nation ‘Intoxicated with Bad Policing’

Nowadays, everyone is an amateur videographer, and police actions are under more scrutiny than ever. It doesn't mean, though, that there are more incidents of police brutality or over-policing; it …

Tease photo Civil Rights

After HB 1523, We Must Seek Higher Ground

It was at Good Hope Baptist Church in the early 1970s that I first heard God used to justify hatred of black people, of "homosexuals," of feminism, of anything that …

Tease photo Civil Rights

The 42 Vote: Mississippi’s Time of Reckoning

When Mississippi Rep. Lester "Bubba" Carpenter stepped to the microphone at a Republican rally in Tishomingo County and started warning about a "black judge" taking away funds from white schools …

Tease photo Civil Rights

EDITOR'S NOTE: Reps. John Lewis, Bennie Thompson to Attend Grand Celebration of Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

U.S. Reps. John Lewis and Bennie Thompson are attending the Grand Celebration and Gala at the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum on Feb. 23 and 24. Both will receive awards.


FOX ‘News' Chick Makes Ass of Herself

I fully realize this probably happens over at FOX News every day, but this video is unbelievable. She is so outclassed by Bill Burton of the Obama campaign:

Frank Melton

City's War on Sex Toys Is Back

Just when you thought that the Jackson Police Department isn't up to the challenge posed by escalating crime, they prove you wrong. Per The Clarion-Ledger tonight:


No ‘Unnamed Sources,' Ledger? You sure?

Cledger-Ledger honchos have been known to declare that the paper does not use "unnamed sources." We already know that's not true due to mucked-up stories like the one by Ledger …

Tease photo City & County

UPDATED: Capitol Complex Bill with Funds for Jackson Passes, Heads to Governor

The year 2017 may be the charm for Jackson, at least when it comes to getting upward of $20 million a year from the State of Mississippi to help repair …

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Walking with Mr. Meredith

F*ck you, n*gger!" It was Oct. 1, 1962, and James Meredith was finally a student at the University of Mississippi.

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Yes, It Was That Bad

"I've alluded to it here and there, but it wasn't until this year, when we decided to focus the Chick Ball on sexual assault, that I knew it was my …

Tease photo Civil Rights

EDITOR'S NOTE: As You Vote, Recall the Blackjacks Hitting Mrs. Hamer’s Back

"(Fannie Lou Hamer) came up in a Mississippi where white leaders, including former Confederate generals immortalized as heroes, had worked diligently in the years before her birth to make sure …