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Message Board for Families Seeking Information

One of the JFP blog members, based in North Mississippi, has set up a message board for families seeking information on loved ones:


New Poll: Katrina Raises Doubts About Bush

AP is reporting:

Hurricane Katrina and the bungled government response have weakened President Bush, raising questions among Americans about his Iraq and Gulf Coast spending plans and spreading fears among fellow Republicans that …


Brownie Describes Frustration and Chaos

In his first extensive interview since resigning as FEMA director Monday, Michael Brown blames Gov. Blanco, tried to deflect criticism from the White House—and raised the spector that the administration …


$11 Million Slated for Agencies, Bay St. Louis, Waveland

[Just in from Lott's office/vertim] WASHINGTON - Federal funding totaling more than $11 million is slated for Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts in Waveland, Bay St. Louis and includes federal assistance …


AP: Katrina Death Toll Could Reach 10,000

The Associated Press is reporting:


JUST IN: New Orleans Levees Breaching

The Weather Channel just reported that the levee along the industrial canal in New Orleans has a 35 to 40-foot breach. There are other small breaches already.


Can Bush, U.S. Troops Handle Katrina and Iraq?

Today in the New York Times, David E. Sanger explores the haunting question of whether President Bush's administration can balance the pressing needs of Iraq with the largest domestic disaster …


Transcribed Remarks of Barbour, Pickering, Red Cross Head

Transcribed Remarks: Governor Haley Barbour, U.S. Congressman Chip Pickering, and

Governor Haley Barbour: Let me start off by introducing a great ally to Mississippi, and somebody that is a genuine pleasure for me to have here and to let visit …


‘My Heart Is Just Breaking for Your Pain'

Just in via e-mail/verbatim from Toronto:

I know you need so many things right now. I wish I could be with-in arm's reach to offer you a hot meal, a warm bed... or just a change …


The Storm Next Time

Nicholas Kristoff writes in The New York Times:


The Real Test of Katrina

John Kerry in a speech at Brown University:


Grisham: Silent Nights on the Gulf Coast

This may be the best thing John Grisham has ever written, today in the New York Times. This is the last section, but read the whole thing:


Rita Victims Living Like ‘Cavemen' on Texas Coast

AP is reporting:

Nearly four days after Hurricane Rita hit, many of the storm's sweltering victims along the Texas Gulf Coast were still waiting for electricity, gasoline, water and other relief Tuesday, prompting …


JFP Art Show/Benefit Raises More Than $3,300!

Update: As of right now, the take from the art show last night is coming in over $3,300 for John Grisham's Rebuild the Coast fund, as well as to purchase …


UPDATED/URGENT: Take Food to St. Andrews

All, Rev. Connolly just wrote again about food that is needed in the Jackson shelters. Please do what you can:


Christopher Hitchens on Katrina and Bush's Response

The neo-cons' favorite Brit did an interview with Austrailian Broadcasting Corp. yesterday that won't fly so well with Bush supporters. Here's an excerpt, but read the whole thing: