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Dueling for the NRA Vote

Evan Derkacz writes for Alternet that the pro-gun vote doesn't necessarily belong to George Bush. He writes: "Although Kerry seems to have learned from Gore's mistakes and Bush has lost …


Minor: Miss. GOP Lying About ‘Highest-Taxed State'

Columnist Bill Minor writes this week: "Bad enough that the chief propagandist for the Mississippi Republican Party is a turncoat Democrat, but worse that he lies to make taxpayers believe …


Molly Ivins Calls the Election for Kerry, the ‘Uniter'

Molly Ivins this week:

Without fear of contradiction, I can say that George W. Bush has turned out to be a divider, not a uniter, for the past four years. Sheesh, if we get …


Rock the Vote Poll: Youth Want Obama; No Palin Effect

Michael Connery is blogging about the new Rock the Vote poll results of young voters at futuremajority.com:


NY Times Examines Barbour Role in Energy Policy

In a long piece Sunday, The New York Times examined Haley Barbour's role in Bush energy/environmental policies: "Just six weeks into the Bush administration, Haley Barbour, a former Republican party …


Who's the Better Dancer: Barack or Michelle?

Watch a very fun clip from the Ellen show; hat/tip Folo:


The Poop on the Oxford Debate

To keep up with specifics (and find out about ticket and media info, event schedules and the like), check out the Ole Miss Presidential Debate Site. The main UM debate …


Palin-McCain Camp Disses Penn State President

So much for reaching across the aisle, eh? The Chronicle of Higher Education reports:


‘Dean Goes Bust'

Josh Benson writes in Salon: "Can Dean recover? Maybe. Even without Trippi, he has a core of supporters that will never abandon him. And while the other campaigns will be …


Former Gov. Kirk Fordice Dead at 70

Here is a statement from his family, following by a statement from Gov. Haley Barbour: "It is with a sad heart that our family announces the death of Daniel Kirkwood …


YOU Can Help Protect 2004 Election Integrity

Election Protection Volunteer Training Schedule

The Mississippi Center for Justice announces the following training sessions for folks interesting in helping to protect this year's elections. Note that Jackson's program is THURSDAY, Oct. 7, so hurry!


Sex and the Single Voter

"Single women are the hot, must-have demo for the 2004 presidential race. But will they put out this November?" Rebecca Traister explores this burning question in Salon.


Giuliani Blames Troops

Nothing like supporting our troops. Salon reports:


Obama ‘Pulling Away'; Leads Men, Women, Every Age Group, Even Over-65

Newsweek's new numbers are in, and show why the McCain campaign is acting so erratic and desperate:


Planet Weekly: Blogging the Mayor

Alan Lange's mayoral Web site is written up in the Planet Weekly this week. It's interesting that quite a bit of time is spent trying to show that Lange is …


Veep Debate: Possible Pitfalls for Both Sides

Interesting preview on the New York Times' Caucus blog. In part:


John Edwards: Friend of Business?

The Washington Post today: "Business associations in Washington were uniformly hostile yesterday to John Kerry's choice of Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) as his running mate, promising that a trial lawyer …


Reagan Chief of Staff Endorses Obama

The Obamacans keep coming. Per CNN:


Clark Announces Voting Machine Contract

June 29, 2005/press release/verbatim from Secretary of State Eric Clark:

Secretary of State Eric Clark today introduced new touch-screen voting machines that most Mississippians will use to cast ballots beginning in 2006. "These voting machines will greatly improve the accuracy …


ABC Poll: Voters say U.S. on ‘Wrong Track'; Kerry Ahead

ABC News is reporting: "Skepticism about the nation's direction is boosting John Kerry's campaign for president: Fifty-five percent of likely voters say the country is on the wrong track, and …