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Eaves Launches Anti-Barbour Web site

The John Arthur Eaves campaign just e-mailed a link to a new Web site devoted to giving what they call the real story on Haley Barbour's record. The site opens …


Barbour Calls Special Session on Coast Housing

[verbatim statement] (JACKSON, Mississippi) * Governor Haley Barbour announced today he has called a Special Session of the Mississippi Legislature for Thursday to ask legislators to reduce the cost of …


Election Post-Mortem

Well, all, there weren't a lot of surprises Tuesday night, and a lot of our prayers about the state rising above the race game went unanswered ... for now. But …


Icky: ‘Heritage' Operative on Barbour's Staff

Just when you thought that the past was another half-mile behind us, something like this comes to light. The Associated Press reported:


Haley Barbour: ‘You Gotta Admire Obama's Nerve'

July 31, 2008 - Following are verbatim remarks by Gov. Haley Barbour at the Neshoba County Fair today in Philadlphia, Miss.:


Barbour: 'Why I'll Veto the Tax Bill'

*verbatim via e-mail* There has been a lot of discussion over the past few days about Senate Bill 2310, which proposes to eliminate the sales tax on groceries and increase …

Editor's Note

Come All Ye Faithful

In his column last week, The Clarion-Ledger's Sid Salter quoted the fifth chapter of Matthew to justify Gov. Haley Barbour diverting federal money away from low-income Katrina re-housing and into …


Barbour Last-Minute Robocall for Votes

Regardless of the outcome today, it looks like Haley Barbour is worried. Just got this e-mail from a source:


Harrison Asking the Right Barbour Questions

Up in Tupelo, Daily Journal reporter Bobby Harrison is asking the right questions, as opposed to the ridiculous posturing coming out of The Clarion-Ledger's Sid Salter. He writes today about …


Mississippi Voter Forum, Debates On Way

From the Mississippi League of Women Voters: A Political Forum on Saturday will

Election Day. Secretary of State Eric Clark will lead the introductory Political Forum, then U.S. Representative Benny Thompson and Mississippi Supreme Court justices will be featured in four televised debates …


Melton Mentees Get Second Chance

The late Mayor Frank Melton may well be smiling from his grave over the good fortune bestowed by Gov. Haley Barbour and the city of Jackson to two of the …


Republicans Singing the Blues?

A New York Times Magazine piece chronicles the depression that is setting in for Republicans now that the strategies that gave them temporary power are starting to turn off new …


‘An Old Washington Hand Goes Home to Mississippi'

David E. Rosenbaum writes in the New York Times today about Haley Barbour's return to Mississippi: "Mr. Barbour must overcome the charge that he has spent his career as a …


Barbour, Voter Intimidation Is Wrong, Cowardly

Gov. Haley Barbour is the latest Republican official to climb aboard the anti-voting sleaze machine and needs to climb off post-haste and do everything possible to ensure that every eligible …

Health Care

Haley Barbour: Heath Reform ‘Crammed' Down Americans' Throats

Also see: Immediate Effect of Health-Reform Bill

Shortly after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the historic health-reform bill, Gov. Haley Barbour released the following statement, verbatim:

MPB to Broadcast JFP Editorial Friday A.M.

[Editorial] Mr. Barbour: It's Time to Start Governing

Listen to Mississippi Public Broadcasting Friday morning at 5:35 and 7:35 to hear an excerpt from the JFP's most recent editorial read as part of "Opinion Round-up." Following is the …

House Votes to Accept Senate's Tort Reform Bill

After a long floor debate today, the Mississippi House of Representatives voted 76-38 to concur with the Senate strike-all version of HB 13 — a bill that institutes $1 million …

[Update] Speaker McCoy: Gov, Senate Move ‘Terrible Thing'

After spending eight days in special session, costing taxpayers a total of $41,162 so far (see below), the Mississippi House of Representatives went home Friday, saying they will return next …


Only Children Bleed

The House Juvenile Justice Committee is holding legislative hearings on the training schools at the Capitol on July 19 from 2-5 p.m. and July 20 from 9 a.m. until noon …