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UPDATE: McCain Flip-Flops, Headed To Oxford

Update: CNN is reporting that Sen. John McCain has announced he will be attending tonight's presidential debate in Oxford, despite his earlier refusal to participate if an agreement had not …


Harvey Talks Back: The 2003 JFP Interview with Mayor Johnson

Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. is having one hell of a year. On the one hand, the Vicksburg native has presided over a city for six years that seems to …

Frank Melton

Melton Plans to Re-Arrest Acquitted Man

Anyone else think it's odd that Mayor Melton is reacting so dramatically different to the latest acquittal of alleged gang members after being so lukewarm about the "Grayhead" acquittals? In …


PROFILE: Harvey Johnson

ht>Incumbent Aims to Finish What He's Started by Adam Lynch

Tease photo Cover

On The Road Again with Frank Melton

On Sunday, April 2, photographer Jaro Vacek and I went to Frank Melton's home on 2 Carters Grove to meet with the mayor's Mobile Command Center crew for a night …

Editor's Note

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

When the message came Thursday that a grand jury in Neshoba County had indicted at least one conspirator in the murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, I …


[Editor's Note] We the Job Creators

When I was asked to go to the White House in early March to talk about business in Jackson, I didn't know what to expect. I just said "yes!" and …


We the Job Creators

When I was asked to go to the White House in early March to talk about business in Jackson, I didn't know what to expect. I just said "yes!" and …


Where Is Emergency Housing for Gustav Evacuees?

Are you fleeing Gustav and looking for housing? You can find a list of emergency shelters in Mississippi here. Print a Red Cross evacuation plan here. Here's a checklist of …


* Corrections to Talk of Jackson *

The JFP's Talk of Jackson section has a couple really dumb errors this week. (As a result, two writers are currently hanging in the newsroom from their toenails. Don't tell …


[City Buzz] Colonel Snoop Reporting for Duty, Sir

JACKAL SMOKED OUT … Like the rest of the world, Jacksonians of all political persuasions were all aglow in the days leading up to Christmas over the capture of long-time …


A Dream Deferred

Thomas Moore got a dose of his home state that he could like last week. After the Jackson Free Press published a narrative of his visit back to Meadville and …

Editor's Note


When managing editor Maggie Neff walked into my office a couple months ago and closed the door, I sensed what was coming. She and husband J.P. were moving to Chattanooga …


Obama Opens Up 14-Point Lead Due to Palin and Attacks

CBS News just announced the results of its latest poll, which finds that Barack Obama has opened up a 14-point lead over John McCain in one week, and has taken …


Kamikaze: Left Behind, by Alphonso Mayfield

The term "kamikaze" is a well-known phrase used to identify Japanese pilots who flew suicide missions during World War II. However, the term has a much deeper significance with the …

EDITORIAL: McMillin Needs a Chief, Not a Badge

This editorial appears in the print edition this week. The mayor has requested that Council schedule a time at a special meeting today at 4 p.m. to confirm Sheriff McMillin …


Melton: Hood Is Wrong

Read PDFs of documents that Melton faxed to the JFP to prove that he can carry weapons places prohibited by state law. Click here for the PDFs.


JFP is Turning 9—What's Your Favorite JFP Memory?

I'll include a couple to get us going:

We need your help, JFP Nation. Our 9th birthday issue publishes this week, and we want to include favorite JFP-related moments (funny or serious) from staffers, readers, freelancers, etc. Please …

Frank Melton

ACLU to Challenge Mayor's Tactics in Town Hall Meeting - Aug. 1

Please join the ACLU of Mississippi, the Jackson Free Press, the Magnolia Bar Association, the NAACP and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement in a special town hall meeting to address …