All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Editor's Note

For Noella

When Kimberly Griffin told me that the Fondren Theatre Workshop had agreed to direct "The Vagina Monologues" in Jackson, I was happily stunned. Nearly seven years ago when we started …

Editor's Note

Demand the Facts, Ma'am

The only time Jackson drives me crazy is during local campaign cycles. To be fair, of course, it's not every Jacksonian who goes insane and starts pushing lies and conspiracy …


Donna's Power Smoothie

I'm just going to be honest. Once my day starts, I don't always eat enough fruit, and as a vegetarian, I need non-animal forms of protein and other nutrients. I …


NOW Salter Tells His Readers ...

In Sid Salter's column today, he makes the point that Phil Bryant pulled more votes than Barbour in the election last week (not mentioning that Jim Hood apparently pulled the …


Michael Moore: 17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists

1. It is against the law for George W. Bush to run for president again.

Provocateur Michael Moore shows some optimism over on Alternet. A sampling:

Tease photo Cover

Tough Questions for David Banner

"God I know that we pimp, God I know that we wrong, God I know I should talk about more in all of my songs, I know these kids are …


Silencing the Media, Hiding Crimes & Misdemeanors

A good story in USA Today about the "scorched-earth" assault on the media's ability to hold elected officials accountable:

JFP Chick Ball - Saturday Night!

Click here for more details on the Chick Ball.

The JFP Chick Ball is finally here. Join us from 6 to midnight Saturday night at Hal & Mal's Red Room to raise money to buy a Freedom Van for …


Candidate Sandridge Says Jackson Threatens Madison ‘Way of Life'

Here is the full write-up:

In his bought campaign write-up in The Northside Sun this week, Madison County Sheriff candidate Mark Sandridge amps up the anti-Jackson rhetoric that brought him massive criticism in May when …

Tease photo Civil Rights

‘Police vs. Black’: Bridging the ‘Racialized Gulf’

Oressa Napper-Williams' son Andrell was a victim of gun violence twice. The first time was when he was 16 and a student at Martin Luther King Jr. High School in …

Tease photo Person of the Day

Nicholas Lemann

Journalist and author Nicholas Lemann may have a lot of New York cred, but he's a southerner at heart, born, raised and educated in New Orleans.


The 2009 JFP Interview with Frank Melton, Part V: To the DEA?

In this long excerpt of JFP editor Donna Ladd's interview with Frank Melton in February, he talks about why he's running for re-election, dying with dignity, the City Council, his …


Hear No Truth: The 10 Most Censored Mississippi Stories

It's an open secret that here in the Jackson area and in the state at large we suffer from superficial, incomplete, unfactual and sometimes non-existent coverage of vital news stories. …


The 2009 JFP Interview with Frank Melton, Part III: Money & Taxes

In Part III of his Feb. 26 interview with JFP editor Donna Ladd, Frank talks about his finances, including his property-tax troubles.

Tease photo Civil Rights

EDITOR'S NOTE: Learning to Roar in Mississippi from Anne, Hazel and Fannie Lou

Mississippi has long had women warriors who don't flinch at attempts to make them shut our little mouths, who stare back, who write scathing columns, who get the hell beaten …

Tease photo Crime

Flashing a Kid’s Mugshot Is No Way to Prevent Crime

Disseminating mugshots of minors should be rare due to the harm that it can cause to that kid and society to treat children as adult criminals, especially before they even …


[City Buzz] Best Gov, Gandhi in Jackson, Two Lakes Doom, more

BEST GOVERNOR: Haley Barbour may have ridden the GOP machine into town, but he's got a long way to go before he can take over the throne of Governor Emeritus …


Boycott du Jour

That was then.

I recently met David Baria, president of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association, for the first time. He was in the lounge side of Bravo Restaurant in Highland Village, lightheartedly holding …


Frank's Boy

At the center of the maelstrom around Mayor Frank Melton's actions the night of Aug. 26, 2006, sits a young man named Michael Taylor. Because Taylor—already accused of a felony …


State of Hip-Hop, by Alphonso Mayfield

Label Musical Chairs

The biggest news involves one of the most storied labels in hip-hop. Island Def Jam head Lyor Cohen recently left his position to head Warner Music Group's U. S. Recorded …