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JFP Interview: Education Governor William Winter

<b>*The JFP Unabridged Web Edition*</b>

The Neshoba County Fair this year was like a tale of five governors on Thursday, traditionally the hottest political fire-breathing day. In a way though, it was the story of …

John Arthur Eaves' Speech at the Neshoba County Fair

[verbatim] I'm John Eaves, and I am running for Governor because I believe it is time for a new day in Mississippi. I am tired of hearing our leaders tell …

Mississippi GOP Politicizes Scruggs Plea

The head of the Mississippi Republican Party is using the guilty plea of Richard "Dickie" Scruggs to try to focus the scandal spotlight away from Republicans and put it squarely …

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Melton: A Cowboy Who Wants to Be Mayor

Please click here to read Donna Ladd's profile of Frank Melton.


[Ladd] No More Wink-Wink Politics

Waaaa-powwww, right in the kisser! So, what was that loud explosion that hit the middle of last week? Certainly, it could have been me letting out 42 years of pent-up …

Editor's Note

With or Without You, Haley

Well, Gov. Barbour, all us under-55 Mississippians got your message loud and clear last week. We don't matter. You don't care about us and what we think of you because, …

Editor's Note

I Felt the Earth Move

It was like old home day in Neshoba County Sunday … with a few twists. The usual suspects—the people I've gotten to know in the struggle for justice and racial …


Tyler Edmonds Says He's ‘Dusting Off' After 5th Circuit Loss

Tyler Edmonds, who was tried as an adult for allegedly helping his sister kill her husband when he was only 13, was rebuffed yesterday by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court …


Funny How Things Come in Waves

-----Original Message-----

The juvi-trolls are back at it, folks. Obviously, I did not go to John Eaves' Web site and send these e-mails out to people:


[Ladd] Thin Line Between Love and Hate

I was talking to a young woman the other day who is in the family of a Jackson man who toiled and lobbied and prodded and threatened for many years …

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Tough Questions for David Banner

"God I know that we pimp, God I know that we wrong, God I know I should talk about more in all of my songs, I know these kids are …

Editor's Note

The Elephant In The Classroom

The governor and his loyal cabal of "Stepford senators" seem to believe that Mississippians are stupid. And they sure want to keep us that way.

Editor's Note

Dean and the Elephants in Dixie

Charles Evers and I hit it off immediately the first time we met. We, after all, both have Neshoba County roots. My Daddy, it seems, used to drive him around …


Barbour: ‘Don't Let Your Guard Down Yet'

Also see: Jackpedia: Hurricane Gustav to get/post vital information.


[City Buzz] Colonel Snoop Reporting for Duty, Sir

JACKAL SMOKED OUT … Like the rest of the world, Jacksonians of all political persuasions were all aglow in the days leading up to Christmas over the capture of long-time …

Editor's Note

Into the Groove

Back in the 1980s, I wasn't too worried about much of anything. I was living in Washington, D.C., working by day as a legal assistant for a huge broadcast corporation …


Transcribed Remarks of Barbour, Pickering, Red Cross Head

Transcribed Remarks: Governor Haley Barbour, U.S. Congressman Chip Pickering, and

Governor Haley Barbour: Let me start off by introducing a great ally to Mississippi, and somebody that is a genuine pleasure for me to have here and to let visit …

Editor's Note

Lost in Translation

"He is like a prodigal son, pondering whether he should return to his native soil." So wrote now-freelance Clarion-Ledger columnist Eric Stringfellow this week in a hand-wringing column about the …

Haley Barbour Speaks at Neshoba County Fair (Verbatim Speech)

*Remarks as prepared*

Thank you. Today I will give my last speech at this Fair as Governor. Marsha, who has had to sit through all but one of them, is being patient enough …

AG: State Meth Laws Curbing Problem

[verbatim from AG's office]Since Mississippi's Meth Law went into effect just over a year ago, meth lab seizures have gone down 65%, announced Attorney General Jim Hood today. The new …